Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Slam into the New Year

So, How is it for you?

The latest I have stayed up in ages. I was reading in bed and then all the fireworks went off... Ten minutes after my head hit the pillow. 

No, it was not where I was all night. I was invited to two parties last night. One I had already said we were going to and one we wished I had the strength to get to. My lazy genes.

Thanks for the invites. I had a very good time meeting people I should have met earlier and as my mouth would not shut down I should apologize now for making everyones ears ring too early in the night. 

The conversation went from Kayaking on the Rio Grande to Special Needs kids to photography and vidography.. to the awesome poetic beauty that is New Mexico and its many peoples. Connections made. Friends made. Lots of flying planned. 

The connection from riding the Rio Grande in a boat to landing in it in a balloon came from this last years Fiesta. The kayaks were taking pictures of us as we came down and we were taking pictures of them. Next year ( now that we know each other so much better ) we are going to mix it up and see what happens. I will be taking a photographer up and a videographer and poet also. I cant wait. Both I think have not been up before and so that will make it fun for me to get them into the river.. float down...then go tree topping after... Tree topping? Watch this video...  This is one that shows video from three balloons. Slow and sweet.

The new year is already looking up. Now if I can get my butt out of this chair and do something about it. 

I am going to go and find some pictures I want to print. BRB again... Here are a few of the selected so far... all polars

Back Off.

Balloon Blast.


Small Park

Cloud Master II

So many to choose from. Consider these at 20 inches by 20 inches in frame. 

I have much to do!!! So I think I will take a nap!

No.. really.. I have things to do in the computer room and garage, plus the bro is stopping by to look at a table and stand. RIght now I have my blanket on and dog on lap with keyboard laid on top of her. She doesn't care a bit. 

I have to go find some wides and colorized shots for the print file too. But for now.. Here are some links.

I hope the repeal a bunch of these very stupid laws in New York. WHat a waste of taxpayer money processing and enforcing some of these. You cant walk your walrus down 5th ave after 12pm???

Youch.. Glad I stuck to cranberry juice all night..

Can someone buy all this stuff for me so I can turn around and sell it at the other end of the year....

Sherlock Holmes.. what need to said more..

Fun City... Off I go to find more interesting and timely things.....ta ta