Thursday, January 30, 2014

Returning with a different viewpoint.

Oh hell I say. Shaking off as much water on the natty rug just inside the door seems to abate the tender senses of the guarda. Feeling a little bit better in the warmth I head over to the file trays full of those little cards with numbers and things on them. Looking up fiction… remembering all I can of the Dewey Decimal system… is that 800? English, Lit, Fiction… ahhh….  Since using the internal memory is questionable one hand scrabbles on the top of the case for a pencil and hopefully scrap paper while my other finger is stuck in between the cards. With my eyes just clearing the top edges I can spy some of those instruments just on the other end. They are free! Woah! Okay.. back to the drawer… and… Sherlock…. Solution…. Okay…. Off we go… And that's the wrong direction. Second floor and to the left so saith the crinkly old parchment map affixed to the end of the card case. The game is….. thataway!

In most adventures there is a beginning and an end. If you start a story at the middle which way would you go? Is it the glass is half empty or the glass is half full. Perhaps there is no glass at all. A lot of things today are like Schrödinger's cat. You take it on faith until you can either, touch, taste, smell or see it. Granted walking around licking cats is a bad way to go about life. I know they do it in Japan and I still think it strange. So what are you supposed to do? Take it on faith. Last night was full of more aliens. Inhabiting simulated people. Not mean but neutral. Observing. Why do I have these dreams when I do not have such reading or viewing sensory inputs?

Ranging around today I thought about my idea of setting polar on the diamond or point. What would make a good polar for such a placement. I tested the hypothesis on some fenders, grills and hoods. And not bad if I do say myself. I will be printing these out and putting them in frames. Look below. Three extra steps do not make it any harder just a little longer. Matching takes forever. That also makes for a cleaner transition.


Skulker Bird.



The 500.



Im going to have to do some more.

Another head on display. Getting there. Very close to blocking the ( exterior ) world out.

A map of the levels snow fall that is necessary to shut things down. It is much better to close and not have to worry about it than not close and be stuck in the middle of it. There is no cry wolf in this. Just do it.

My comment yesterday on this is so true. Alternate routes or plans and a fast pack. If I have to stay at my office my desk is good enough to sleep on and I have back up cloths to use as pillow and blanket. I think we need to upgrade our office supplies though. We do have two cots.

A very good use of technologies. If they could just get the amount of use out of cells that they should it would be better.

But good job London.. good job. Now just get those peizio electric mats down on all the tunnels into and out of the tube stations and you can use the power of the foot to run your services….

When I started this blog today my keyboard went crazy. I do not know at this time why its causing such mischief. Its bluetooth and it seemed to be fighting with my mouse. You hit a key on the board and it would do a mouse function. I was even typing an important email and it kept sending. Had to shut everything down and switch everything back on one at a time. Frustrating and aggravating.

And so now I shall put my feet up.