Tuesday, January 21, 2014


You…. Are…. Bouncing…. Between…. Trains? Oh I don't think so! That can't be right… Hit by a train more like. Dragging my left hand through my already thinning hair… did I have a hat? I thought I did. Also this long coat seems a bit big. I know.. I'm a cast off circus clown! No.. damn.. No big shoes. Missing the nose too. Okay.. Lets see about that trains part..

What a Tuesday! Lots of fun. Many Second graders run through the office. First group were animated and asking questions, group two were much more subdued and quiet. Third group.  . Not too bad of a day all in all. Some question on where a piece of equipment is but I didn't have time to look for it today, tomorrow perhaps. Probably be a long day.

I snapped some shots with my phone cam.. quickly and for the heck of it effect. This is what I like about phone cams… Not heavy, Not bulky, easy to shoot off the cuff. So I took these below and ran them through tone mapping, then GIMP to see what I could do with them to make them interesting. Are they interesting? I heard a comment somewhere that if you want to see how to open you mind up to shot possibilities go into your bathroom, close the door, keep your cloths on and start taking pictures. What can you see, what can you make interesting with angle, distance and focus only.. also what would using the flash do. No selfie, no duck faces, No posing! I bet you can take at least ten pictures that can be interesting without editing. Try it.

One of the problems with taking pictures of one subject ( like hot air balloons ) is that you get tired of the same olé viewpoint. I have always tried to find a different angle, view, cut. Sometimes it works … sometimes its a disaster. gotta keep plugging away.

 Breaking Bad was shot in Albuquerque.... Sigh.. I have yet to see any of the shows. I did though go through the Octopus car wash on Menaul where the did one shoot. THey had stuff everywhere.. I shot off some pics of this or that as I was walking through... Edits.

Basic sign.

Tone Mapped totally Surreal.

Cropped for wide.

Standard skew.

 Hello Kitty. Yeesh.. Fuzzy too.

Tone Mapped Surreal.. why not.

Cropped wide.

Skewed again.. because........I can!

Balloon Explosion.
One of my shots that I will be printing about 20 by 20.

Some of the Net Sites that drew my interest.

Hard drive life and what it means. It means that you should have two backups of all your data. That's what it means! I have drives of each company and I tell you its hit or miss. Same drive, same manufacturer and different life cycles. Double backups!!

Sorry I can lift my ring finger with my middle finger under my palm… and I have two tendons from my hand. I'm weird!!

Good and bad of WW 1 and also a list of things that were made up or over sensitized.. gee I wonder why people lied about it… hehe.. oh yeah.. to sell newspapers!!! To SELL you… and it goes on today. If you can't reify the information at least in three different locations then you are a sheep… baas baaa baaaaa…..

Of course. Lets create a new way to get money from others. Lets not let use breeders to recycle the “waste” lets charge to store it…. Yeah.. that's the ticket. And who's money are they using to pay for all of this….. Yours….

Most everything going on in and outside the gov't is a way to separate you from your money and hype troubles to cause you to run and hide. Everything….. If you see a hand out to you then there is one other in your pocket. News, Stores, Hollywood, Gov't, Yada yada Yada