Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A long days day.. and a day.

Wow! THree days of long hours. Mostly doing the standard work in the morning and then watching and learning while the smart guys reprogram, reroute, rewrite and respell local apps so that they can get functions operable again. Its a lot of watching over shoulders and seeing what is where and how. Much to know.. much to learn.

I hope they can bare with my constant monitoring. Bugging and goofy comments. Id buy pizza and doughnuts but I think we have had enough of those... even doughnuts that tasted like pizza.

tomorrow it will be morning of budgets and requests for information and then get back with the smart guys and see whats next on the list of things. Too much of these things going on and lists that should be written down so that they can be verified later or if something goes awry. I will ask again later when the dust has settled. Too much work now to interrupt them. Wished I had the knowledge ( programming ) to help out but I am on the hardware side. I have to get over there a bit.. mainly how to get things verified myself.

Oh well.... I did hunt a few shots up for the night.. basic stuff.... Ill explain.

A shot in the dark.
 Way back when some funny people decided to shoot a data lazer off from a disused nuke silo. You could pay to get your data packet added to it.... Funny... THe poster was still there ages after.

Rock targets.
 Culverts are cool. THe odder the better. This is a very generic one. Rarely seen. Great to post on your wall.

 Another abandoned homestead in the middle of a very windy plain next to nothing.

Active Above.
Shattered clouds racking the sky with spinning ripples and puff balls.

Lots of interesting things if you just turn your head slightly. Go turn it.

My facebook banner and logo..... to follow along in the area of the shots... which is the East North and South of New Mexico...

Right here..!
 THe written word and the excessive use of punctuation can enhance your comments..... Dot dot dot... like little pauses in the comments... This sign... GONE!

And this shot... from the far North West of New Mexico.

Very cautious.

Now its been a very long dday again and I really really really want to stop looking at computer screens for a bit. I promise as soon as I can I will get back on subject and get some fresh things to show you....

Remember... Rio Grande Balloon Target Flying Thing this weekend... wooo...