Monday, March 31, 2014

Post traumatic

Its amazing to think that as some memories return is spits and spats that I can see only the maids neck and that is much more sensual than, from what I remember, at times totally nude women! Why do I get that thought. Is it more or less clothes or where are they coming from. I feel comfortable in this dress and the attire, as covering as it is, of the maid. But it also feels like I am wearing a costume and on stage. The maid is speaking and I am miles away. “ I shall pick up your dishes when you ring the bell”,she says a little more rushed. Still flushed as she turns and scampers out the door. I guess my gaze lingered too long of her color tinged neck. Sigh. A discordant, buzz, buzz, buzz from my book of novelties and mysterious mysteries is requesting my attention again. Pulling up the cart and lifting lids, Tea… ahhh…. and sit and book and I could love this….

An unfun morning. Part of the job. Made the remainder of the day suck hard. I did get more work done though. items came in and were put aside for later and a stand for a printer came in. I also was able to locate a description off accountable property and now I can see what goes on and what does not. I like that kind of firm information. I have to correct a few things but no worries there. Now the coming days have more logical processes. other than trying to not grind my teeth all day long its been quiet.

I didn't do much of anything last night with photographs. Just was not in the mood and far too tired to do a good job on anything anyways. so I will see if I can find something works showing you today. If not it may be silly pictures from the internets. Or not....

Leaning into the Nonwind.
 Bowed you can almost feel like your under them. Balloons are amazing to be near. The are beside you but like huge willow trees they are above you and over your head. All the pictures in the world cannot show you that.

The moon was large and I liked how it cut through this tree. Pictures of the moon are everywhere.. Pictures of the tree are not.

The Breezy Stretch
Fooling around with the skew. I liked how it came out.

Fabric to Fabric.
Another skew and pull. Some folks are worried when balloons hit each other or rub fabric. Its all safe and normal. Just like beach balls we bounce off each other. The only time you get to worrying is wicker to fabric. Then you can have problems. Not major but can do damage.

Those were fun. I am still learning how to work Photoshop. Watching lots of tutorials. 
What I need is one on one with an instructor.

I have to swat up on a lot at work still too. Much to know. Little time to learn and retain it.

Links...links.....l   i   n     kssss

Hamburger. I have always looked it as a list.. sigh

Bumper stickers need to be regulated. Only funny ones.

The crossing of reality and indelible unreality. That that has been seen cannot then be unseen.. You have been warned.

Because I need some humor is a humorless or less day...

Off to sit with the dog and get a cuddle.