Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A pat on the head.

CLICK HMMM CLICK CLICK….the stem is dropping into itself I think. Another roll of my thumb and forefinger and click again. Peaking down past my chest to my hand I can just see that there is a little ridge not level with the surface of the side. The humming has stopped and the silence is eerily closing in. An explosive POP from the fireplace causes me to jerk my hands and my head snaps to look at the fire. I can feel my thumb slipping off the round bump, explosive, grenade? egg timer? And off goes the pressure and up swiveling the gearing comes in almost dance like clockwise and counterclockwise directions. The lamp light catching in the cuts and ridges and they rise up and assume their position. What and why does that remind me of a music box? All is back to the way it was except….except the book seems to be pulsing along with my heartbeat…. Can we please have mundane things stay in their mundane places!

T t t tttttttuesday trippings. The animals are loosed. The growl, caper, dance and scurry away and around. My worry of yesterday has now become a bit calmer and preparations have been completed. even if there is a modification or addition to the plan it is now easily adjustable.  That's why I created the spread sheets. I can cross reference them against the other lists and be pretty close to the correct totals. I would say I was having a very good time except for this headache from clenching my teeth.  Now everything is pretty much ready and I can set that down for the time being and get onto other important tasks. 

I am not sure what I am going to play with tonight. I am not sure what would be interesting. I am sure I am not sure. I will leave this here until later. I do think since I have a request from a good artist friend for some shots for a project that I will go do a hunt. Then show you what I find and why I think they will work for the project. I said I would go get specific shots if needed ( I was going to use that as a prod to get my butt outdoors ) but at this time its not necessary.  I may try and fake myself out though. Slight off hand and all that. now or the prowl and hunt just as tigers are apt to do… though I should probably take off my bunny slippers first. They squeak.

Distant Levels.

Closer Levels.

City Burque.

Mesas Edge.
I'm still looking.... but so far.                  
as to listening…


I do know that we talk slowly. I also know that if I want to enjoy a book, ramming it into my ears at a fast clip will have me turning it off.

Ah yes. I hate giving speeches and I have a tendency to wing it. But I do like talking.. hahahaha

Because laughing is good for you…

Life in the universe that we occupy. probably and no.. I am sure their status is… don't call us, we’ll call you….. in a while.

I can only relate it to if your advanced from us you probably consider us on the level of pet. If your the same level or slightly higher you have to worry about our inability to control our base aspects. If your the same your have more worries. If there is advanced life out there and they are as aggressive as we are we are pretty much toast. I will bring the marshmallows.