Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Four walls. Two windows, One fireplace, a bed, pictures, bath room with its own four walls and plumbing. Oh and the door to the supposed hallway and the door to the bath. Carpet, oriental, reds, blues and orange, sage... spirals and such over a hard wood floor stained black. Where to start. Lets go to pictures. Left of the doorway to the hall, Monet if I can fathom what a Monet is. Fake or real I have no clue. Behind it nothing but wallpaper of a tight filigree pattern. Door, Sound also of black stained wood. Smells fresh and spicy. running my hands along the outside edge of the frame.. nothing but a few motes of dust. Impressive cleaning staff. Along the all to another impressionist painting. I want to say ... no, not a clue, Lots of blues. This is going to take a while... Nothing in around or under...heading towards the bath room door and as similar to the entry as expected. Nevertheless we shall proceed. No Magnifying glass....sigh.... Like..Like.. Hellfire!

Dental appointment today. A long one, but my dentist and assistant were superb again. Because the tooth they were working on was low in my gum line my gums took a bit of a knock. I was warned that there would be some pain after. Yeah... there was pain. Dull, irritating but survivable with some aspirin and quiet. Hopefully tonight I will some rest and be at work tomorrow. Things to do....Great things! For tonight its just rest and stay calm.

I did a lot more tilt shifting last night but a lot of them are not to good. I will post some non balloon versions below in a moment. I so wanted to go out and take pictures but with the headache and the winds making the headache worse and the cold since the wind was up making it worse and worse it was scurry home and hide behind the door, mate. I expect I will get up to something else tonight. I had a thought.. yep another one in the same year... 2 for 2, and I want to try it out later. If it works I will post them. SO, now, onto the alternate tilt shifts.

Pointing One.

Many Pointy Things.

Sun Spots.


Matchbox Classic.

Tiny Town Of Vaughn NM.

Yep. Its fun to do but there is a fine line.

Here are the links for tonight...some good.. some... just scratch your head and move on...

At last a good looking digital watch and android device. This makes me want to do some designs and send them off to the company. I might just do that.


This is why I think there should be a world wide requirement to bury all power lines and such underground. Big tubes so that servicing and replacement is easy and out of the elements. Think about how many times there is no power during a snow storm because lines are down. Get on it!


If possible I want to visit all of these places. Just so I can put my spin on their being photographed from my point of view.


Along the lines of eco and green and easy and also small footprint... nice, very nice. Watch the imbedded video.


And with that I am off to fiddle.