Sunday, March 9, 2014


Lets try something a little less difficult. Walking to the wall beside the bed and pulled the strap for the bell. Not a sound... If it works I might get some answers soon. Twisting around a chair to face the door and positioning myself on the edge because I do not want to sit on the tails of my nice spiffy coat! Weeee.
Tapping at my door so quickly. "Please come in", I speak in a nice soft lower London accent. And the door unlocks and opens to show me my favorite chamber maid. Now lets see if she will say it? "You rang sir"?
AH HAH! I knew it... what it is I don't know but hay, it was fun. "Yes, could you please being me the evening paper"? "Right away sir, right away". Off she goes closing the door behind her. Standing up and walking to the door to re-lock it. Nice click and a secure feeling returns. Turning and pacing back and forth... I have heard it passes the time...

Very early morning. Almost couldn't get out of the bed. It was real time 5 am and subjective time 6 am. Body time felt like 3 am. Getting out to the Fiesta field ( park ) and in a by way getting coffee took quite a while. Though we still got there before they started the brief and yes it was cold.. did I say that? Well it was to the point that by the time all the balloons that were going to launched launched I had two frozen fingers. Painfully frozen fingers. I took 615 shots. I was testing out the camera and locating the best settings. Boy do I have to adjust things. I did get some great shots that I will post tomorrow. Oh, I did also get two great movie clips. Going to take some time to process that.

Last night I trolled my files looking for certain shots. Specific in their view, height and distance. I wanted to play with some tilt shifts. Check these out. It takes a specific type of shot to work. But with Photoshop they are so easy to do.

Puddle Jumpers

Dipping Toes.

Surface Breeze.

Follow The Leader.

Rio Rancho RC.

Paseo Pokey.

Specific angle and height and distance. Looks good.. looks ok. Better than paying 2000 dollars for the lens.

Some so so links.

Instead of numbers or letters they should use codes. Tango Lemonade line. Mint Julep line...

And next we will find out that its a huge can opener.

Novel idea.. hahahahahahaha...but trains.!y8C3x

Awesome choice. I like.

A few other stories like this with one being a Russian bomber for sale.. interesting.