Here I sit, Somewhat not in any pain...amazing. I am spending the day quietly moving files around. I have to get some organization into the last three months of processing and editing. There are video and picture and music files all over. Something like a hoarders house on discs... Since I want to keep with me everything I may be working on I have been carting my Photo external drive around with me. Like a novel in size but like a dictionary in weight. Back and forth. Along with my Windows Surface Tablet ( My almost totally go to computer. I only use the big one for a very few things ) notebook hybrid. Darn thing is being used almost nonstop daily. Its that good.. and with the HDMI out and a power charger at home and at work now its perfect. So.. What I needed was to get rid of the book drive or rotate a smaller package to take with me. I have quite a few mini drives around so I decided to clear one of those and put my primary photographs on it. The raw shots will go to the 1.5 tb book drives and ...and as I said.. shuffling is going on. I have a 17 step procedure to do to get everything where it should be... updated.. verified and mirrored. Its going to take a while and I am using the big computer to do it right now as there are Christmas shows on in the front room where the Surface is. Music playing on my Galaxy s4. This is going to take quite a while, said again....whew. I expect to be moving everything on the Amp1 computer between drives and while that is going on working off the Surface as usual. Now I am typing this out on Amp1. I have gone and found some interesting links already. some very interesting... going to as yesterday and post those first.
As is still being done with the newspapers and media right now started way back... If you don't verify what your reading and seeing and being told in the media then you are a piglet being fed slop and remember what happens to the fattened piglet... yes.. Bacon! If you hear something said the same way on multiple outlets then that is crap.. your eating/absorbing crap.
But an interesting story none the less..!ofp1O
Talking about piggies... hahahaha... no... just what its called. Pretty wild how nature can do some very interesting things.!ofpSY
Ah... The different part... What to set your water heater to. 49 c or 120 f is what the official answer is to avoid scalding but not get a disease. We are pushed up a little farther than that. Interesting read. Depends on your setup.
Oooookay.... now it was a toss up of flaming sink holes and time travelers... time travelers beat it out but Ill add the link to the flaming sink hole of death too..
Time traveler..... hmmm..... Can I go?
And the flaming part.... The time traveler could have told us of this already right? Right.... Right... How bout if time travel is not that good and spotty? What about if you change something like warning of some upstream ( for us ) trouble it just splits off another continuum? The only reason you get back to your spacial local is because there is a hole there for you to fit. And the pic is because he did not in effect change anything enough to cause a split. Just saying... Flames flames everywhere....
Lets talk Yellowstone Park.....
Okay... I got caught up last night trying to un-focus the background of a picture. Turn it to black and white and then whatever I wanted to focus on refocus it. I did it.. And some of the shots are nice. Some just don't work. I will post my attempts below. It took quite a while to figure out how to do this. Its convoluted.
The Bob.
Its kinda tripy. The black and white with color in focus is edgy. Not sure it works this way. So I tried with blur only.
Just Resting a bit.
Only the Koala is in focus. I expect I will go back and put the front tree in focus as well as it looks odd still.
Here I did the colorisation and focal point but also brought out the front. THe weeds off to the left were very hard and are not perfect. But its just a test.
Barn Doors and Idiots.
Another main and forefront focus on black and white. This also gets a little squirrely on the edges. I didn't go deep and work around the weeds.
THE Bar.
This one I will go back and blur the background. I think this will be my wallpaper for the day. Its edgy.
There you go. I dont know when I will be able to do more testing this weekend. Busy ahead.