Friday, November 15, 2013


This is a post about time and space. Both are constructs of our interaction with each other. We are very simple creatures with so few senses. But I digress.

Use em if ya got em!

I spent the day recovering from a visit to the dentist. Amazingly enough this dentist was awesome and the office and people working there were excellent. I mis-remember it ever being this nice. Oh I have a screaming headache.. but not directly because of the dentist. More because I needed a good cleaning and with my already banging constantly head it just made it oh so worse. But my teeth feel great. The dentist has some more work to do to bring me up to snuff but I am heartened by her comments and her very calming conversation. Now if I could just stop clenching my teeth.

I went off looking at web sites while I move files about. 400 gig to start. After deleting about 600 gig. I found many good stories. Here are some of them..

I never thought of it.. It was always, keep your eggs in the fridge because they last longer. Huh. Well I still will just because. Dont be surprised that they do not do that ( and there is a law against it ) in Europe.

Here is a photographer that got an idea... not a bad one and I would like to see the whole sequence as well as take it a little farther and try and locate the "left behind" hidden characteristics of each building. I do not live near enough old cities to have this type of thing. Sadly.

A big MEH here. Handheld shots with tons of light and snapping off hundreds or thousands of shots.. yeah.. you better get one good one. Why waste all that time and money.. mount the cam with triggers for the speed its going. Sigh. So easy... so big a waste of energy. Can I be a big shot photographer too?

And.... back to the comments about space and time and motion and color and stuff.

Consider the lily... no... Um... We .. uhh.... Okay... lets start again... Why do we always have to quantify everything? And are we quantifying only what we can sense.. and if we are, are we missing the big picture. Or the small picture.. or are we not looking the right way. I said my head hurts.

I am going to go play with some pictures and get back to you on that. If you look at yesterdays pictures you will notice one thing in the shot with only a few petals colored..... did you figure it out? Oh I will tell you at the end of today.... off I go.. Moving in space and time.... but in a fixed position in relation to everything else. Think big picture..

Get the idea?
 No I only did the lighted lights.

Sign Sign..everywhere a Sign.
 Do this don't do that......Cant you read the sign?  Choices.

Notell Motel? Too used. Pie Eyed?
 That is the real and untouched color. No lighting.

Two Kinds of Weeds.
 Shooting through this old garage. Four vehicles claim check.

Roaring Ranch.
Again. Colors are normal. Remove the blue skies and it pops right out.

They were fun. Some editing of specks to deal with still.

Oh. yes... They are the only petals in focus!