Here we go again.It was another day of irritation. I am being told to correct something without the adequate instructions on how to go about it. Its like being told.. Here… make this airplane… shoo shoo now.. go do it… and get it done yesterday. I expect you will spend most of your day on the phone or waiting for a reply.. just like me. Ain't it fun!
Oh.. and let me tell you about dead links… I am sick and tired of dead links to information I need.
So if I am hiding out in my house and not wanting to go out or talk to anyone its because I am fed up.
Monday ain't it!
Note to self.. Stop grinding teeth. Do not take it personally ( even though it feels that way ). Tomorrow is another day. They can't take your birthday away. They must have more work than you do. Do what you can.. not what you cant.
Looking through...
Looking Glass
Wishful Thinking.
London…. Looking… okay….
Stolen Art. Bet there’s a lo hiding in the states too..
Nothing but thieves in suits.
And a link to the shots I loaded onto my website so far…