Friday, November 29, 2013

Cranberry Jelly.

Bout the only thing I want to eat. Some of us cant stop gritting their teeth.

A nice day other than the loonies on the road. I lay it on distraction. Black Friday and all.. I would not have left the house but good friends were having an open house and we wanted to go.... so we braved it. It was fun... though after a while my skull started throbbing. So short but fun. Looked to be very yummy snacks but I just could'nt. Sucks to be me.

Came back to the house and plugged the tanks in... checked the sensors... all good there. Even got some batteries for the radios... I wonder if they will work. Gotta go look at the weather.... brb. Lookin good! 1mph gusting to a whole 2mph... Now lets see if that holds till tomorrow. So far... its questionable.. nothing stays like it should be.

Now I am continuing the path of file copying. Up to 2009. I will have lots to delete but I will not be missing any files. Hopefully it will take less time to delete the copies... and yes.. each copy is in a separate file so I cant just mass delete.. but there also is a good chance I wont remove something by accident. Yes I looked into file duplicate finders but all of them have provisos to them.. its not easier but darn safer. It may take forever.

Here are some out of the ordinary shots that are ordinary but not what you would think. I will do some more because they are funner right now.

 Big yellow Circles. Love the Neon.


Play Both.





A trip to Grandma's Music on Coor's. Full of cool instruments and equipment. Just a few select items. The trouble in shooting in the store is there is so much piled on so much that you cant get a good shot unless its crowded or you zoom in like a crazy person. Doing the colorization allows me to get it focused on what is what I wanted to show. Much more to tweak... twist... adjusted... Ya man!

Now... there are some interesting links out there that of 9 I whittled down to the standard 4 blogs worth looking at.

Because I like retro or 1940s plus things.. I was born in the right and wrong times... also I love the words Pew Pew Pew..

Historically I am glad they move buildings that are old and possibly in the way instead of destroying them. But I think the land they are on is as much a link to the history as the building so its like ripping apart something... better that neither are gone but the link isnt there... Why was the house built here.. is as much as what was built.

Part 1 of 2 on abandoned things. This first is in Japan. If I had the funds I'd live there on and off. I know I could burn up my camera taking pictures. The shots taken are great. It would take years to get through the whole place and then edit. But.... sigh

Part 2 of 2. Why do people like taking pictures of old and abandoned buildings... Because... Because

I have plans.... I would bring my own container home and set it up... set up the solar panels and such.. then shoot like a mad man.

Off I go..LOL.