Sunday, April 28, 2013

Overdoing it...

It looks like I have been overdoing it.... Im tired... Im put on.. Im frustrated.. I get walked on without recourse... hard... somethings there to take it away...  am I the only one???

Did this though.... Got the light switches working...
Its a dual switch to that light back there. I just wouldn't work with the switches I had. Then I thought about it and connected it the "right" way and ta da it worked! The walls are blank right there because the hall is too dark and the pictures hanging there were making it darker... looking to put up some lighter pictures with white frames.

Declare again.... look how the pages are so damaged. I've read it that many times. What an excellent movie this would make.. but then again.. look what they did with Tim Powers " On Stranger Tides" which is the basis for all those Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Def not a book to have certain people sashaying through...

Bet if you read the first chapter you will read the whole thing!

Oh.. and these.... I really like Oreos... but don't buy these... its a rip off...

Or.. MEGA = a tiny bit more than double but not twice the single Oreos.... 

Again... the packaging is deceptive also... where you used to get three rows of cookies... you get more freakin plastic than cookies... and the cookies don't even fill up those short rows... SUCKERS!!

No link for them!

I'll get some home made ones made.... please!

Since I "overdid" it today I was stuck in a chair.. since I was stuck in a chair and not very able to concentrate I tone mapped a bunch... a massive amounts of shots from the car show. Here are a few because thats all I have been able to do...this afternoon......


If I link something its usually worth going to... not much out there today that I consider worth looking at...

here are some that made the list today
Plus this first one... its cool... Cant wait for it..

If your in town and want to hang with Hot Air Balloonists and hear some stories...

And the Balloon Museum I intend on shooting someday..

long link.... wow..

Balloon Fiesta Stuff..