Okay.. no my thumb is not dirty... and yes that nail looks long... geesh! In electronics its nice to have a nail.
What is it?
That is an 4 pair phone cable.
Most phone lines have two wires.... what are those two wires called? They have a name.... really....
Tip and Ring!!!
Normally red and green. You can really use any color.. as long as the colors sync on each end...
What did I make? I made a DONGLE!!!
We had new VOIP phones installed.. and some in the office need headsets... Guess where the headset jack is?? Right.. on the back bottom of the damn phone!!! Yeah... lets just pick up the phone set everyday and drop it back down... Gonna last a long long time! So I made dongles...
See... I attached it to the side with industrial strength velcro so its much much easier to connect and disconnect. Had to special order RJ9 / 22 couplers... guess what again??? Yeah... cheap crap with a little plastic adapter from an rj11 coupler... el stupido!
But it works..
You like? I like!
Whew... Today I think my favorite part of the day was sitting eating lunch with our ITO Dave and reading through the AWIPS manuals on the big screen. We were learning... It was very interesting.
Got home to find out my mailbox had been tagged with gloss brown spray paint! IT was a flat black box... really going out on a limb there taggers! So tomorrow I have to go get some flat black spray paint.. or maybe some Nile Green Spray Paint and repaint it... woooo. Nile Green!!
Whats this? If you say bearings ... hah.. 1/2 right.
Red twinkling...
Another view de luminaria
Insulated blue...
Grim visages...
Okay.... meditation balls with little bells inside to sooth you.
Antique mirror my wife got me.. easy
Bubble ball with red lights hitting them.
Computer fan with blue leds... that was easy! Oh it has a filter on it.
Needs cleaning... if you're available and free..
Girl from a AAAA Happy Hour..
been trying to fly her for a while.. but she weighs soooo much.
Two views of the lamp covers from the Doppler 88D radar.. side and top views.
Blue light.. no.... light through the top of a line insulator... it was cool.
Last.. a knights brass rubbing... this thing is about 6 feet high and worth a mint...
As far as I know right now you are not allowed to rub the brasses anymore.... this was a gift from my parents.
Was that fun?
Engadget sites today... some good stuff here..
Nice television on here..
Cribcandy sadness