Saturday, April 6, 2013

Chewin the Easter candy...

Sitting here munching on Easter candy... why.. cause I am too tired to go find food... Can someone bring me some? My fingers are tired.

We decided today was the day to go through all the boxes in the garage and get stuff out for a garage sale. Seems we don't have a lot of anything in particular... a massive amount of bags of all type and size... a bunch of empty game boxes .. but not much.. There are a few things on the back porch that need to come around .. but not today... We ended up emptying 20 plus bins. I would say 40% went in the trash 30% was set aside for the garage sale and 30% needs to be gone through again then put away or shredded.  It was daunting.... but clearer overall.

Tomorrow will be go through the set aside stuff... and clean out an inside room. That I am not looking forward to. My foray yesterday evening after work was just enough to start me drinking.... hahahaha...

Now..what I did come across... and it was interesting because my oldest ( real old ) and goodly friend had just asked me what I had drawn lately....

I found this.....

Its my box of drawing equipment.. stuffed away in a black box... What your looking at is about 32 years old and my drafting / architecture kit. In good shape.. with glow in the dark initials in the top left corner and punch tape name there in red.. so old!
Aside from some graphite marks in the creme foam in the top everything else is in great condition. It is ready to be used as it was.. who knows when I put it away. I can do on Visio in seconds what I did with these in hours back when.... No real life to it but...Oh and..line size is very important. I remember grading on the uniformity and correct width of lines in drawings when I was my teacher's aide in High school.
All the templates for doors.. windows, bathrooms and such... plus an eraser shield as well as a Pentel pencil case.
French Curves by the handful. 
Neon orange triangles... and that blue thing.. what the heck is that....
That my friends is a ( was ) very expensive flexible french curve. Still works too.
Below that is two boxes of colored pencils.. still sharp and ready to go.. one box of Venus pencils.. some .5 ink pens and lead as well as a strange but useful thing in the middle...
Its an electric eraser!  Sheesh!  Still works too.
I have no clue what this lip balm is doing in there but yes it still smells of Dr Pepper and berry something... 

They don't test on animals... 

You are going to ask me now what I did with it all... 

I .... Put....It....Back... In...The...Box...

and closed the lid. Its tucked away.

Then I found this...
Not sure what I will use it for but it looks great and has some weight to it. 

Maybe I'll fling it at someone.

Oh.. Found this... total gold mine... 
Dunno whats on it.

and this too..
Again.. major mystery....

I remember that I put a picture of the Atrisco Vista sign on my blog yesterday... I put the unedited one there .. here is the editing version...

Nice and tone'y... As that awesome friend said... You're going to start looking at the world like that... Is that a bad thing.... I don't think she was saying it was a bad thing.. but... a different thing... I'm different!

Izzy says... your a cushion.. don't try to change now.

Enjoy your Saturday!

Not too many art stores left...

I do not count hobby Lobby as an art store.. as I do not call Walmart a gourmet fine food store.

And my friends blog.... 

Such a fun person to know.