I was passengering on the way out. I took a bunch of off the edge of my eye shots. Tomorrow I will dump them and see what I got. I will try and post the most interesting ones tomorrow. Here is what I did last night. Just some of the more interesting ones. Just three. This time. I was too fried to do more than three since they are an 8 step process. Here you go...
As soon as we can get the weight loss down to the ease of a pill .. well hopefully those people can then start some sort of exercise regimen to keep it off.. .... hoping..
Had to put this here and most movies ... suck.
This might be interesting.. I wonder if they will create a fake rumble...
Stupid... sad... goobers..
My wicker weave pattern. Love the thick red and black ropes. Strong but comfortable. Love it!
Wandering up to or down to the now closed fair, sheets and canvas tied down and roped off, nothing stirring in the incoming wind but flyers and castaway grease streaked papers from foods sold, foods eaten, paper chucked. No one about, Lights seen through the dark as the clouds close off the remaining sunlight that just cant force through anymore and has just ogt done in with it all. Moving towards the carousel, which is easier said that not bumping into poles unnoticed this afternoon.... Wack! Right first turn. Face into the back tarpaulin of said carousel. Now is there a way in and around this netting.....