The edits I did were based on flames from burners. Hard to find a flame that is in just the right place and just the right color. It was hard. I did go back to 2006 but gave that up since they didn't have the pixel count to edit well. I have to do some more searching but I did find four that could be adjusted to a specific parameter. I was also looking for shots I can use for our new balloon trailer banner. I have to find clean equator shots of three balloons.. very hard. My problem is that I have zero ability to stay on task. OCD kicking in and I am done. I even got frustrated at myself for losing concentration editing. It sucks when three times in a row you select the wrong button. Wrong edit. Lots of bleeping going on.

June 14, 2014 (Saturday) at Rio Rancho Launch Field.
Registration 5:30 am / Pilot Brief 6:00 am
Take Broadmoor Blvd north from Northern Blvd, then follow signs. RIO RANCHO.
I have to do three take offs and landings to get current but that will be easy. Up off the ground to 700 feet then land.. up and down up and down. Easy Peasy. Then I can load a passenger and go chase the target. Since AAAA is a fun competition you are allowed to land and touch the ground while heading for the target. That way we can fly more than one or two people. Its fun. I will also have my camera so I can get shots for the July Cloudbouncer.
Links... Funny mostly...
I read in the internets lately that it is thought that we are not being contacted by any alien races because we are too stupid... after looking at this I can understand....!WoZOm
Cool but not anywhere near wildly real and un photoshopped shots out there.... really cool though.
And more reasons to be on the watch list for alien tourists and Cabana workers Union 257.
This made me think. Then decide I need to carry a knife again. Everyone in my office ( Techs some Ops ) carry a knife. I usually don't and use the excuse that they think I will stab myself right away.. but now is the time to change. My Dad does not read my blog so I can tell you that I am getting him a pretty nice knife too for Fathers day. Its a thing I do for him.
The last one was a multi tool but too big for the pocket.
Heading downwards between two hillocks rife with bushes and stinging nettles I can start to see the twinkling sunlight refracted from the wagons and horses brasses in the low valley before me. Slowing, to see exactly what was going on, standard feelings of worry or just light excitement.... Its a dell type area. flat along the far edge but hillocky on this side. There is a tent of tans and yellows off to the left, some covered tables, linen cloth covered and pennants. Some eight Romney wagons near the far edge in the flat. Looking closer there is a brook just past them... On the right are more sturdy wagons and some steam engines. There is a swing for up to three people and its moving back and fore, A small train on tracks with children, many games of chance.. hah! Many, many people. About forty or so. There must be a village on the other side. Moving forward now ar regular gait because the twinkling and piping music is a carousel. A small two cycle carousel... Children and adults rising up then going down with horses, fish and bears gamboling. Here I go...
Some very strange things going on with the blog site... bare with me while I chat with programming.