Saturday, June 7, 2014

All In.

Gasp, Pant, Pant, puff...... I think I over did it today. too much bending over weed pulling then up climbing the ladder to fix the gutters. That and the heat... lack of water.. Changing that now. I did get my nice refurbished 2560 x 1440 monitor in and installed. Nice that they had just flung the cables in with it but that's what happens when you buy refub instead of brand new. Looks and works perfectly now that I have the right cable connected to my surface. Yeah.. I am running this huge.. Oh touch screen too with my surface pro. Quick, no lag, great touch surface. Saved quite a bit on it be going refub over new. The arm I have it on my go the way of the do do.. or at least end up on my desk at work since this thing is so big it is at the height of the arms level. Cant go higher. NOT COMPLAINING!

Wanna go fly.......

Izzy has a thing about boxes and bubble wrap. She will attack both. Here she has subdued this killer box and is now standing in triumph while chewing on a toy.

On the wall. Too much reflection but it is nice.

Got the tri tic into minimalist frames and on the wall. The need some light and also may have to go get some matte glass as there is a lot of reflection on the ones now... Or I can get some light on them which wouldn't be that hard. But they are up on the wall and that at this moment is a good thing. Tonight I think I will look at some other edits. Depends. What I did below were a specific subject in a certain way with a directed outcome. Hope I remember what it was tomorrow.

Links were wishy washy today.

35-105... I can do that.. I use and love my 18 -200 mm. Its not the glass as much as the brain behind it. You can shoot stunning shots with a camera phone.

Can it do this when I'm driving...

Its the corruption ruining everything. From the US govt to the Chinese Govt to the French Govt and those who have money through their hands. If the checks and balances are not enough then there has to be a cause and effect. If you are managing the peoples money and you use it or your connections to fill your pockets you should be executed or all your assets seized and turned over to those same people you stole from....

Bill Watterson is sneaking out to draw.. and he couldn't have picked a better place to play hookey... Pearls and Swine is fantastic!

And so on and so on.

From my bouncing through the side of the fields I can catch a whiff of wood smoke, sausage and perhaps some bread burning on the air. Staying to the paths between fields and not cutting across the fields so as not to incur the wrath of the farmer I am making good time. Not fast but getting there. I am still not sure if this is the right thing to do but I do know that wandering around or getting picked up a slapped down everywhere is not the right thing for me.. or at lease it may not be as painful.. Moving this way seems to feel right. Jumping about a foot up in surprise as the large pocket watch vibrated against my chest in its little pocket.. Yeep. Thanks so much. I needed a little shock to wake me from my drowsy wandering path. I can hear the sound of people and smell of horses..... lots of horses....