Friday, June 27, 2014

Nailing it!

Tango Uniform!

Tango Uniform!!!

Doorway to the weekend. Okay, I have to go back in for a while tomorrow. That's just to close up a few things due to the upcoming holiday. Cant complain about that. Gotta do a oil change too too. Lots done today... nothing that is worth commenting on other than...I cant find the codes.Ah well.. Tomorrow we will be able to knock it out in about an hour.

On the way to work today I thought we were going to get some rain. Major overcast with one stripe break in the middle. No chance. It was just mucky. Hay.. traffic on the way home was good. Nothing but a few ding bats. Its Friday night and I am washing clothes... yep.. I want it out of the way.

I have to make a list of stuff to take on my trips. I used to just fling everything I thought I needed into a bag.. I have to get it a bit more regulated. Another list. Many things are needed. What I wish I could do it take my monitor with me... That would be nice. Don't get me wrong. I can work with the surface display but its a little small to focus old eyes on. I will just be tiresome.

Friend of mine did an amazing job of researching embroidery places. Pretty good job. Lots of information. Now to act on it. Or really to get working on the designs. I will I will!

Sadly no flying this weekend.. and not next weekend either.. and well.. for the next three weekends too... All work and no play........

I did go back and edit a few more shots from my walk of sweat... Below they are....

I will probably cut down the edits until I get the pin patch and such designs done. Plus there is the CB to deal with too... I have all the shots ready for that just no content.. okay.. I have finance docs and one ad.... sigh.

Links... pah!

Start of with this one.. if your not chuckling by the end.. well you are dead inside.. hahaha

Sorry everyone.. I like Au natural more than cake....

If you really want to plod through all this.. be my guest.. but don't bother me tonight when you cant sleep tonight...

What you thought it was all about! Heads?

Time to go change the laundry around... brb.

Two more....two more..... head almost raised straight on. The bad... I can see a hand in the darkness beyond frozen in its stretching accusation! I'm innocent... I think. while still requesting my neck muscles to bring my head level with the ground and it is an ever so slow process that hand.. that hand isn't moving at all. Two fingers are pointing towards me... index straight our and middle three quarters to straight. Thumb and two others bent inwards, fingernails are cared for and lightly pink but no polish, hand that I can see is also thin and feminine. Do I know this hand? Is it attached to the wailing sound I heads....eons ago? Its all darkness past the edge of a black wool coat sleeve. Possible hint of a white cuff... upward! Lights brightening again and the aural area around me feels like its sucking away, preparing to be filled with something .... much much bigger!