Sunday, May 18, 2014

Reality Bites!

Like that rubber band it never just stops, it rebounds and I go with it. I should start a count of the way reality appears. I think someone is trying to impress me. Or keep me interested. The rebound opens up with my regular view. That being as a rider, not a driver. I am sitting is what looks like a library. Its massive. Columns of polished basalt stone climb up over forty feet to pinions and galleries and arches. Each octagonal grouping meets and every segment is a blade of light blue skies with fluffy wandering clouds drifting. Counting down the main isle goes to eleven or so. Eleven times eighty feet from column to column.. pretty huge. Interspersed are statues.. and.. and... wow.. this place is a museum, or cross between. Books I can see around me here.. three levels of them above and all around but also other things. The table in front of my is dark oak and spans the center of the area but isn't the only thing around. Rather daunting in a way like the library of Alexandria might have been or was or is, but on a more refined and polished and massive way. Standing up, or being carried I am drifting off to a column. What I thought was solid basalt polished to a sheen has edges of what looks like slivers of diamond as thick as my hand running up ever corner.... and there is light...

Monday eve. Mostly spent recuperating from more less sleep. The morning spent editing some interested things in a different way. The afternoon visiting with my daughter and eating a nice lunch at the new Subway Cafe on Central just West of Yale. If you stuck your head in you would swear you were in a Starbucks, with the nice comfy chairs and fireplace and tables but then there is the standard and pretty crisply clean sandwich making center. Good lunch in a comfy atmosphere... and they do make Lattes and such like a certain already names shop. I had a mango smoothy It was also good. Stopping at the local Walmart off I40 was a big mistake as te zombies were out in stylin. Parked carts across isles and wandering children. It was an ordeal of well... I could say turkeys. They stand there.. and if it rained they would look up and drown. The only saving thing was the cashier was quick, smooth and nice. I have been through his line before and I have to remember to stop in and tell the manager about him.

Editing today.. or this morning I wanted to try something different.. Which I will explain below. What I also did was look for a device that would allow me to take 360 degree photographs or video. I have ideas on how that might be done but again the internet failed me again. If you use standard English in google search you will be thwarted. You have to use dumb-ed down phrasing and words for items. I did find two purpose made units but they are so overpriced I sit here and know someone is trying to screw me purple. I will try and mock up what I want and see if it works. If that fails I am going to talk to a few engineers I know and see if we can mock up a more robust version. Stupid people think you will pay 800 dollars for two pieces of plastic and a plastics molded mirror... Go find another sucker baby.

Stepping away from one avenue and trying another. I like it.

Sit A Spell.
 Just a bit of reupholstering and you are good.

Coffee Only No T.
 Push the edge. I think I should have gone back and diffused the edges of the sign.

 Blending the white bars into the edges of the cover turned out better than I thought. Go ahead.. zoom in.

 I love this fence. Its just perfectly dilapidated. What was eye catching was that when I zoomed in to edit it I found a UFO. As in I cannot identify the object leaving a contrail on the upper left of the picture.

Always remember.....

Let's talk about sites....

Sad that all that beautiful land has been flattened and paved over. Remember my 1/3 green space parameter.  Oh well....

Motorcycles.. Love em but if you think Walmart is bad... the roads are worse.

I weep for our future. and go watch the movie .. Idiocracy.

I had an idea after reading this blog. It was all about places to visit before you die... I want to now go there and shoot myself faking dead in every place. Along with the taped outline.. how cool would that be. May have to do that around and about. Lot of set up though.

Way funny.