Friday, May 30, 2014

If you refuse to see.

After a few bites and sips as it were all of us were pretty relaxed. John in a soft but direct manner said “ So you never did say why you were on the cliff at that point. You did know that that part has been told off due to the instability right?” With lifted eyebrow on his side, “ No, never heard about it.” Oh so you didn't see the markings on the grass where the dogs met you then nor the constable?” No, missed that too.” Very good eyes on you too, hah!” Oh John, you are a quick one with it aren't you. It so happens I have no clue as how I ended up there. I did sit for a while on the grass so I might have been hidden from his eyes. No clue though.” “No idea how you got there…. Dropped in front heaven now?” Lillian pokes him in the ribs” be still John, you are being rude again.” Myself, reaching for  another muffin, “ Well I am glad he did come along as I was going to just walk down the edge until I found somewhere to get a good cup of tea. Seems I found an excellent cup by way of John. Turning to John and bowing my head slightly then to the dogs also, Thank you all. Not that I think that would have solved anything but the stop at the end would have been irritating and doubtful I would have learned nothing.”

Nothing like having to reboot your computer multiple times to clear it from lagging like a crazy person. It hates when I multi task with my windows. Bouncing from Email to excel sheet to word doc and back drives it to distraction. Sorry.. I am trying to get more work done in a shorter amount of time. I hate waiting for one program to finish processing, I have to go do something else. Is it just me? Its a rather new PC though. My surface is faster and more able to handle multiple inputs and programs at one time. I think I could now replace my office PC with just a surface and a dock. I would want two larger screens though. It might be the future if this keeps dragging down. A friend mentioned how behind the gov was in software and hardware… well kinda.. hamstrung is more like it. Its hard to describe. Better/Worse.

Since I am getting everything ready to go ballooning tomorrow morning and I intend to do so unless its stupid out I am going to be going quickly today with the shots. Pardon the errors or mi-spellings and grammar and sentence construction and crayon outside the lines.... Pardon Moi! Reminds me that I can remember being harassed because I crayoned the outside of the pictures instead of inside. Ridiculous! Here are some I ran through last night. The others I did I have lost in my files somewhere. Funny how that's possible.

These will have to do for now.


I worked on the computers that rode in this plane. Since then they have upgraded it like crazy....

Here is a good idea, completely destroyed by the nuts behind it. Dissociation with reality is all I can think. Wonderful car that they are going to price so far up in the clouds that no one will buy it.. Why when you can get a BMW, Mercedes, Porche for less...

This cracks me up because it is what it is... plus.. what art is now is not in the eyes of the beholder but in the pockets of the rich and stupid... sorry famouse. Yes I spelled it incorrectly. You now can sell SH*# for millions. Sadly good artists are not shown because they are not.. IN! Screw em.. Like what you like.

This is so off the mark... I think the nut who wrote it is insane... None of these shows caused me a moments notice or warped my life in any way.. If your vapid and single celled maybe....

I really shouldn't post it it is so sad...

I was going to poke my artist friend again here... and she deserves to be poked... but I shan't.

Open your eyes!

PS I am going to shuffle the blog a bit soon so hold your shorts.