Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Zombie Driving.

Options is what I am getting. To kill or not to kill that isn't the answer. Shake-spoke. What will happen if I did, or what would happen if he, her or it didn't exist?! That brings a flood of memories back centered around a movie called, Its a wonderful life...with James Stewart. Nice to have some of what I feel is my own memories coming back. Surprising how you can tell your own from what may be others or constructs. This leads down that intense path of what is reality and what is not reality... Round and round....

Constructive two days in El Paso / Santa Teresa Offices of the NWS. The main impression I received in the two days is summed up in two words.... Professional Excitement. In a room full.... well an office full of professionals... there was excitement. Not... party party.. excitement. These good people were excited by what they see as expansion of their ability to protect the public. Not expansion as in money as some would think. Every person I know isn't paid anywhere near what they would be paid in the civilian market. Most everyone in the offices does more than just their job. They are programming, editing, creating better and clearer ways of getting important information to you as soon as possible. I feel that my job is to get them what ever tools I can to help them help you. Look for some impressive improvements in the near future. We are excited to do what we do. Props to NWSFO Santa Teresa for putting on a great meeting. Hats off to the MWSFO Midland team for some innovative ideas and directions. A tip to my office NWSFO Albuquerque for being totally open to new and creative ways to get the weather out to everyone. Now I can almost pass out.

3.5 hours or so down and 3.5 or so hours drive back. One night in a good hotel, Fantastic snacks and food. Didn't sleep a wink though. The pillows were so darn soft that my head kept getting smothered. I like a firm pillow but taking my pillow along with me is as bad as Linus with his blanket. I did take some off the eye shots which I found interesting. I will post four below and then when I get a chance I will edit them for content... El Paso is a neat city, St Teresa is booming, Juarez is right over the border and as the WFO team talked about their coordinated visits with the Mexican officials and support folks there... I wanted to be involved. I want to be four people now.

Capacity 2500

The smell!

Los Lamps

L J Way!

Some good things in those shots.


Not sure I agree with the writer. When you need a uniform people will recognize.. well...

For those of you with Iphones that arn't playing games.. here is an eye catcher.

For some people I know who dont dress their dogs with coats..... just kidding... but funny.

A guide to posters and stuff.. very cool.. copy and save.

Now I can pass out!