Monday, April 28, 2014


Men's room door, faded yellow with those arrow signs painted on the side. Inside, dark, dank, perfect... stall number two is our heading. Door open and closed with thump, but not locked, A feeling in my mysteriously missing right hand and a vibrating hum and the world sweeps away into blackness and just as suddenly sweeps back into full color. I am now looking at the bushes at the fun fair from the back of them. I can see legs poking out of the mass of weeds that cover the bottom of this sides hedge. Vision moves to the feet. With deliberation the hand that held the round moves forward to inches of the back of the shooter....

There was this picture of a totally drenched cat, with huge yellow eyes fur spiked up all over in strange whirls.... The amount of cats that are on the web now is stunning.. good agents is all I can think... Where was I.. Oh yes... I felt like that cat....but change the water or tepidly warm sludge. Yes.. it was like that. All I wanted is to lay my forehead on the desk and try to absorb some of the cool temperature from it. Don't know if I am getting ill or just a virus that is trying to take hold. Things got done and in order but my brain was not engaged. I even had a bit of fun just at the last trying to hunt down a code for a program. Found it too... not that it did any good in the end. That was fun.

I did a drive by of Walmart on the way to the house. Picked up the brushes and colored primer that I needed, plus a few orange chicken. Woo hoo.... Orange chicken and rice sounds perfect. After depositing my instruments of wall coating it was sit down, edit, create, modify and edit again. What I came up with I like though there are some adjustments I can do. I will post the two below. Now quite there but close. Also a few strange things just because I can. Infusion of color or light / diffusion of color and light. Direction of attack or depth.



Banner Flash

Look Up.


Quite a lot of fun working out where to put what. In gimp and PS the tools are there but act differently. It can trip you up.

Oh so you like net links minus the cats huh... I can try...

Here you go.. No cats but lots of freakyness.. and I know some that are more creepy than these.

Not fun, not safe, no not no uh uh... no no

Very good job to the person who spent many hours doing this... clap clap clap!

I may have to visit the area just so I can get some of these cool shots. Try telling a rotting building to pose.. be sassy,,, yeah, thats good...

And with that I am off to look for funny penguins.