Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Follow the money.

“Knowing and knowing are quite different things. I could tell you but then there are perambulations and those known things are thrown in disarray. I could blame you but you now know nothing so it would be like yelling at a tree. I would waste time and the tree would only be amused.” “Novel, I am sure…I grumble, I like grumbling. “ Alright, another tack. “ Sentinel, .. did I always call you Sentinel? Or was there another name I used? I mean I can't say this all the time in amongst the public or I would be burned for a witch.” As I watch another clearing of the page, the page prior to it, let's call it page two shall we… yes.. page two… it starts making little waves around where my thumb is touching it. These spread across both pages and abruptly disappear…. Words are written slowly and delicately as ever… “You used to call me your friend.”………..

Is it Wednesday>? I am not sure. Feels like Monday part 3. Not horrible but the stuff I worked on today were very unsettling. Or not unsettling as much as well.. frustrating. I guess I am in need to get things done. I seem to chafe waiting for information a lot. I'd rather have a quick no then a drawn out yes or. Maybe. I could continue on other stuff. I guess I will set that stuff all aside and move forward with other things. Oh.. I did have a thought on that. I can start the justifications for the equipment I am requesting funds for! Yes.. that might calm my nerves some.

I meant to do some colorized black and white shots today as a test but got waylaid so I am including four more of the wider shots. Different subjects. It shows how far you can go to getting just what you want In a shot. I was talking to a good friend today and we were talking about how you can come back to a photograph you took and look at it and notice for the first time what really caught your eye. Then you can cop for that if you have a large enough file. Its almost a wonder thing. Your mind sees things its looking fro hole your fiddling sound and you get the shot but not sure why it was that shot… then… sometimes years later you go…. WOAH! I didn't know that was there!! So yes.. I am finding spots my brain found… yes.. it takes me a long while!  LOL


Nice Kitty



Links because if I didn't point these out you would wonder why.. then the government will fine me…. I lie.

SPACE ALIENS! NAZI DESTRUCTION MACHINES! KIDDIE POOLS! Okay the kiddie pools are closer to reality…

Los Angels….. before the Angelo's.

And the picture was taken by the photographer because he liked the view and also wanted to document that plaza.. sheesh! See its in the left third… duh!

 Soapbox time...

The rights for you to be free are being removed slice by slice. You can smoke but only in specified areas.. why.. not to save your health but to extract more money from you. Now this is being done everywhere with everything with the excuse that they know better than you do. Do they? Really? They know “you” so well?? Next on the list since the decline of smokers… now this…

In Oregon they are now going to tax you by the mile instead of by the gallon. Why.. Because all the freak out to go electric has cut into their taxes coming in.. so now.. regardless if you drive a gas guzzler or an electric car you get to pay much more taxes!      You have a choice.. sit by and die knowing the world you let whip you is going to enslave your children or you can get a backbone and stand up be counted and stop the pseudo elite and their money grubbing ways. This is the Soviet Union and Germany before the wars... It is the road to enslavement.

Sorry.. another example of the govt sticking their fingers in and you get screwed by it…

Go watch Idocracy… We are almost there….. No I am not kidding. go watch it.

Off my soap box