Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Standing Wave

Once again into the darkness I go.... or some such nonsense. I've been paraded by destruction, embarrassment, love, death, life and other odder sensed things. I wonder how long this is going on. I would think this was my life passing me by but unless I am about a couple hundred years or more old I cant fathom that. Am I looking at one persons memories? That would be a probable reason they are so varied. Woops! Getting a flickering at the edge of my eyes again.... pass the popcorn.....  this B roll had better be more interesting. 

Woosh! Woosh goes the rushing water. Whoosh down through the funnel in the rocks, Kersplash it goes as it tries to all go into one little hole at the same time! Ouch says the funnel! I knew it was going to be a busy day, with paperwork, awards banquets and such but dang. just before running off to the awards thing it was four hits at the same time. Not fun. I tried to make a phone call and I could not do it. I couldn't punch the buttons because my brain was tripping over the other three things... Multitasking.. HAH! But again.... all in all it was a gooooood day. Different as it was it was the same in one distinct way. CAKE!!! Cake twice in two days at two different venues and two different places. HAH! Now I am wondering if tomorrow there will be more cake or will it change to Pie.... Thursdays always seemed like a pie day to me... Stay tuned.... wooooo.

On the photographic side of the house now. I looked over the shots I took yesterday and I did get around to stitching one together. It is huge! Even after cropping it huge. Very nice though. It might even do for the three 20 by 30 inch frames i want in my living room. It, as you will see below a smaller version, covers the complete Sandia main range and the city off to the right. Wonderful. The only thing I would really like is if it had been at dusk. I may go out there this weekend and if the conditions are right get the shots. The location isn't in the safest places and well... Safety in numbers. I also took some shots while waiting at stop lights. Quick different and novel... They are below also.... I think... If not.. well I am sure something will show up....

Wait for it!

View from a Museum.

Embudo Station

Solid Pressure

Alternative Albuquerque
Both panos have been shrunk down to 24meg pix. They are over 14,000 in normal size. Exactly what I wanted.


Oh, big brother you are so sneaky. Lets just let you install the camera you can hack so that you can watch us..... Seriously... if you have cameras in your house verify the integrity of your firewall.

Remote desktops.... is there a need? I can almost thing i could use the link so I didn't have to transport a drive all the time but you are stuck with the speed of the line your dumping and that costs and and and .. its easier to drag along a mini external dick or thumb drive....

Cute idea... now do the walls too.. Full sense around.. Yes my office is a 4 foot by 4 foot cubicle... but with sensearound I am in the middle of the desert under a tree, sitting at my desk with the coffee maker just so and the guest chair just so.... 

Ohhh ARRR..... matie!   The seas a life fer me....

Stay away from the hog weed.... really.