Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Zombie Driving.

Options is what I am getting. To kill or not to kill that isn't the answer. Shake-spoke. What will happen if I did, or what would happen if he, her or it didn't exist?! That brings a flood of memories back centered around a movie called, Its a wonderful life...with James Stewart. Nice to have some of what I feel is my own memories coming back. Surprising how you can tell your own from what may be others or constructs. This leads down that intense path of what is reality and what is not reality... Round and round....

Constructive two days in El Paso / Santa Teresa Offices of the NWS. The main impression I received in the two days is summed up in two words.... Professional Excitement. In a room full.... well an office full of professionals... there was excitement. Not... party party.. excitement. These good people were excited by what they see as expansion of their ability to protect the public. Not expansion as in money as some would think. Every person I know isn't paid anywhere near what they would be paid in the civilian market. Most everyone in the offices does more than just their job. They are programming, editing, creating better and clearer ways of getting important information to you as soon as possible. I feel that my job is to get them what ever tools I can to help them help you. Look for some impressive improvements in the near future. We are excited to do what we do. Props to NWSFO Santa Teresa for putting on a great meeting. Hats off to the MWSFO Midland team for some innovative ideas and directions. A tip to my office NWSFO Albuquerque for being totally open to new and creative ways to get the weather out to everyone. Now I can almost pass out.

3.5 hours or so down and 3.5 or so hours drive back. One night in a good hotel, Fantastic snacks and food. Didn't sleep a wink though. The pillows were so darn soft that my head kept getting smothered. I like a firm pillow but taking my pillow along with me is as bad as Linus with his blanket. I did take some off the eye shots which I found interesting. I will post four below and then when I get a chance I will edit them for content... El Paso is a neat city, St Teresa is booming, Juarez is right over the border and as the WFO team talked about their coordinated visits with the Mexican officials and support folks there... I wanted to be involved. I want to be four people now.

Capacity 2500

The smell!

Los Lamps

L J Way!

Some good things in those shots.


Not sure I agree with the writer. When you need a uniform people will recognize.. well...

For those of you with Iphones that arn't playing games.. here is an eye catcher.

For some people I know who dont dress their dogs with coats..... just kidding... but funny.

A guide to posters and stuff.. very cool.. copy and save.

Now I can pass out!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

ba la ga.... say it faster

At this point I am looking at a murderer that now isnt or is or what. The hand reaches out and touches. Then draws back. The person laying on their stomach convulses and curls up in a ball in the bushes that still hide him from from sight. The view closes as always with the snapping of a trap in colors to many to tell. Back in the black. The feeling of a query arrives. Its not there.. its a wave...or feels like waves hitting my ... my, me.
Query. Asking or telling?

A long day of driving. not too bad but I do hate traffic. Unreasoning traffic is worse, which this was. Out of that was a very good day of conversation and idea sharing. More to come tomorrow and then forward after that. different day, different things. Nice.

last night I played around with one logo. Since its the company I love it was all the more fun. I still am not happy with it so I will play around with it more when I get a chance.. Maybe tomorrow.. perhaps the day after. What did I see... and what I got were two or many different things.. check it out...

The last I like the most.

Here are some links.. 1,2,3,4

Does it matter? you will change the rules to suit yourselves until everything is in the toilet.

No one cares really.... next up on ebay.. you can own an unearthed rare dead game for a cool million.. blah

Bill and Ted are not going to be happy...

and cool.. so cool photography

night Ya All

Monday, April 28, 2014


Men's room door, faded yellow with those arrow signs painted on the side. Inside, dark, dank, perfect... stall number two is our heading. Door open and closed with thump, but not locked, A feeling in my mysteriously missing right hand and a vibrating hum and the world sweeps away into blackness and just as suddenly sweeps back into full color. I am now looking at the bushes at the fun fair from the back of them. I can see legs poking out of the mass of weeds that cover the bottom of this sides hedge. Vision moves to the feet. With deliberation the hand that held the round moves forward to inches of the back of the shooter....

There was this picture of a totally drenched cat, with huge yellow eyes fur spiked up all over in strange whirls.... The amount of cats that are on the web now is stunning.. good agents is all I can think... Where was I.. Oh yes... I felt like that cat....but change the water or tepidly warm sludge. Yes.. it was like that. All I wanted is to lay my forehead on the desk and try to absorb some of the cool temperature from it. Don't know if I am getting ill or just a virus that is trying to take hold. Things got done and in order but my brain was not engaged. I even had a bit of fun just at the last trying to hunt down a code for a program. Found it too... not that it did any good in the end. That was fun.

I did a drive by of Walmart on the way to the house. Picked up the brushes and colored primer that I needed, plus a few orange chicken. Woo hoo.... Orange chicken and rice sounds perfect. After depositing my instruments of wall coating it was sit down, edit, create, modify and edit again. What I came up with I like though there are some adjustments I can do. I will post the two below. Now quite there but close. Also a few strange things just because I can. Infusion of color or light / diffusion of color and light. Direction of attack or depth.



Banner Flash

Look Up.


Quite a lot of fun working out where to put what. In gimp and PS the tools are there but act differently. It can trip you up.

Oh so you like net links minus the cats huh... I can try...

Here you go.. No cats but lots of freakyness.. and I know some that are more creepy than these.

Not fun, not safe, no not no uh uh... no no

Very good job to the person who spent many hours doing this... clap clap clap!

I may have to visit the area just so I can get some of these cool shots. Try telling a rotting building to pose.. be sassy,,, yeah, thats good...

And with that I am off to look for funny penguins.

Sunday, April 27, 2014


One step forward at the right moment and the bullet headed straight for the woman's head instead is caught by what ever is surrounding the hand that flashes into view. And the hand disappears out of sight and the view keeps moving forward through the crowd. As the vision swings back to the couple it catches them standing up, oblivious to the slender reed that deflected that death. Vision swings again towards the bush and scope. They have moved, but not quickly enough to not be seen. A decision has been made and movement is quicker heading towards a nearby men's room door....

A quiet day. Spent mostly trying to relax. Spiked stress levels. Unknown why. Taped off the computer room and sanded down all the offending spots. It's ready for painting, but I forgot a cut in brush and a gallon of primer so tomorrow that will get done. It should only take an hour or two to do it. Thinking of a sand color still for a specific wall. Cant wait to do it but not going to start and have to stop half way.

While I was sitting I was not idle. I worked on frames and colors and edits among washing and all the other things that needed a touch inside. Its pretty quiet and tough not to go to sleep. I did create a few fun things out of whole cloth and did set up templates for future edits. Ill post extras today since I did a few.







Worked with titles and locations as well as borders and levels. Time it took to get it standardized was many many.


This looks promising. I may have to try thim out.

Yes but no, yes,no,no,no yes......Yeesh!

Short sighted and last of looking forward...stupid.

Here I thought this was a bad thing but it turns out that the tribe was advised and they allowed a reburying of all items in an undisclosed location. I am sure money passed as it normally does but hay... Who wants your great-grandmother dug up? So I was wrong here. Not the first or the last time.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Dirt Bombs

And into crowds of brightly costumed people, Men, women, children in what look like knee length shorts and baggy brightly colored shirts with lilies and other strange orchids... and hats... baseball hats I think. Cotton candy again and dogs dipped in .. oh... corn dogs! Most everyone ignores as I go past them but some children seem to catch me as I glide past. No child at my side anymore and I am wearing some sort of glasses that are dark in the bright sun. The noise is deafening! The smell of bananas and coconut and oil are heavy in the air too. I spy a familiar shaped face and my view moves forward.Just in front of the couple the view shifts to the right and zooms into the distance and I can pick out a rifle scope..... oh joy!

Nice day of resting and cards at the brothers. It was fun and for unknown reasons I wont that game at last. Pure luck of the cards. Its a fun game and creative thinking is needed. There are times that you wont get to play one card and another player is out and there is also times when you will have to keep trying to get a set of cards for three hands.... its nuts but fun. Books and Runs. Home now and writing up today's blog. We talked about all sorts of different things and ended up with authors, Tim Powers, Diana Gabildron and Martin, also how poorly our schools are teaching our children. Sadness.

Forget taking photographs today. The winds are so high that we are getting dust or dirt bombs. Which is dust mixed with sporadic rain showers. Fun huh! So no, no way am I taking my camera out in that. Nope. We talked about going to the Neon Graveyard in Las Vegas but after reading their limitations on what I can do with the shots you take. For the amount to go in at 75 dollars I expect to use the shots I take and do whatever I want. So as my august friend stated, I can get a bottle of very good scotch for that amount. We will probably go to the first casino and sit and have some very nice drink.. He will, I will have something non alcoholic as I do not drink but rarely and never anything straight because I cant stand the taste even though I love the smell.... and then we will shoot the neon outside or inside. It will be more fun and we can do whatever the heck we want with our shots. Below is me trying to work with layers and lights at the same time as polars. Some work.. some just don't....




4200 5900

Still trying to get it right.

Links for tonight.

I downloaded 4 of these. Nicest is the opera browser for ipad.

Interesting if a little long.

I wonder what else... and how much.

Sad but true. Don't do the crime and you wont do the time...with rap.

There was one on what to do about old files and lost files and over copied files.. but I am in denial.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Time out of mind

Quite as quickly and the light and sound slam together it roars open again to the strident sound of another carousel. The whole whirling crazily colored monstrosity surrounds me at the center. I can see the gaily painted horses and rotating lions and tigers...swinging around widdershins. Hiss and boom, screech and jangle...this one has a pipe organ inside it. Impressive! The song is familiar. The mechanics look to be lean and serviceable. Straps and pulleys slipping and snapping, smells of leather, Cotton candy, meat of some sort, spicy is whirling around and the cycle ends and comes to a slow stop...crash, vision moves forward out, through and off...

It's Friday, it's Friday! Not a bad day overall. Added a new yearly reminder to my calendar. I will be working up some sort of listing for the team here to more easily maintain a running list. More travel to do, what could be done today was done. Training was also done..amazing. Our Ito and myself will restart our weekly training schedule again. That will be nice. Things to Learn. interesting things to remember. I get excited thinking about it but I have to do others things first so....

Edited some more polars. Also worked on titles and locations. Size is difficult as the shots I'm creating can be blown up to four feet by four feet. But I will keep working on it. Two are below. I stumbled apron a treatment and I can't wait to try it again. Some little time to do this learning. So many projects waiting for their turn.

Virga Vista


On Wing


48 x 48 inches or more the polars can be sized. cool!

Off ... off I got to find some funny stuff for your Friday.

Yeah... maybe a little...

Woah.. But I might give it a go...

Worth the hard read....

I need these ..... for work!


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Wipping it back and forth!

Rome, Kiev, New Orleans, Oh, Battle raging.Very nice that I am not being hit with all that shell shot.Or grape shot. I can hear it whizzing by and the stench of blood drifts past. Blue and grey. Ax and bayonet. A child's whimper catches. The vision drops down. I can see a black long hemmed jacket, black cuffs on wrists, Black trousers with dull piping down them. A small child's arms wrapped around the knee, face buried away from the unbelievably bright explosions. Must be all of three years, black hair matted down. The right hand reaches down and rests gently on that small scared head, Head turns upward and wet and sad eyes look upward, The child tries a little smile, the view steps back child still attached and every lights, bomb, ricochet collapse along a straight line and is gone.....woooooop...

Excel sheets and numbers and columns and rows and highlighting. All with a dash of Sherlock Holmes in there to find out what numbers are collections of other numbers and what has been split away from other numbers. It was done, and it was done up a treat, as they say on half of my genes. Took a long while but with some music in the background and a soft drink from yesterday at elbow it was a fun exercise. Doing up the travel was another thing completely. Trying, frustrating and downright rude! Tomorrow I expect more interesting things to do with paper, computer screens, accounting and hopefully a pop tart.

Oh the photography side... well that's quite interesting... Tat Lytro camera that captured all light coming into it and then you used the online software to refocus on whatever you wanted within that photograph is already outdated. There are software packages that will do the same thing with a normal camera. Which means that you should soon be able to do the same thing without paying for a new camera. I like that. It would be neat to have a frame around your picture that you could slide farther away and see what the focus lands on and what is unfocused. I think I could spend hours  going back and forth. Keep your ears open. When it comes available I will post about it. Pictures a tweaked last night are below. I really have to do that fish or cut bait thing again. Stacks of shots and none moved to my website... sigh


Say It Fast..

The friendly Skies.

Graffiti in the sky.

Woosh.... and the day be done...

Oh... yes...links.... Bare with me.. just to the left.

Its not that there are more idiots out there. It is that they are readily apparent because of the new media links. Before people would just shut up and not show the fool the were. Now.... You cant shut them up.

I have yet to find a pair of sunglasses that look okay on me. I really need eyestrain glasses but well......

Graft, greed, Leaders who think they deserve to line their pockets on the backs of the public.. History folks.. coming round again...

This makes me laugh. All the work and hassle to move these things and put em up and very soon we will be looking back and saying, "what the hell were they thinking?" Dumb, dumber and downright foolish.. but that's just me.

I can think of fourteen ways to use smaller blades for the same effect.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Standing Wave

Once again into the darkness I go.... or some such nonsense. I've been paraded by destruction, embarrassment, love, death, life and other odder sensed things. I wonder how long this is going on. I would think this was my life passing me by but unless I am about a couple hundred years or more old I cant fathom that. Am I looking at one persons memories? That would be a probable reason they are so varied. Woops! Getting a flickering at the edge of my eyes again.... pass the popcorn.....  this B roll had better be more interesting. 

Woosh! Woosh goes the rushing water. Whoosh down through the funnel in the rocks, Kersplash it goes as it tries to all go into one little hole at the same time! Ouch says the funnel! I knew it was going to be a busy day, with paperwork, awards banquets and such but dang. just before running off to the awards thing it was four hits at the same time. Not fun. I tried to make a phone call and I could not do it. I couldn't punch the buttons because my brain was tripping over the other three things... Multitasking.. HAH! But again.... all in all it was a gooooood day. Different as it was it was the same in one distinct way. CAKE!!! Cake twice in two days at two different venues and two different places. HAH! Now I am wondering if tomorrow there will be more cake or will it change to Pie.... Thursdays always seemed like a pie day to me... Stay tuned.... wooooo.

On the photographic side of the house now. I looked over the shots I took yesterday and I did get around to stitching one together. It is huge! Even after cropping it huge. Very nice though. It might even do for the three 20 by 30 inch frames i want in my living room. It, as you will see below a smaller version, covers the complete Sandia main range and the city off to the right. Wonderful. The only thing I would really like is if it had been at dusk. I may go out there this weekend and if the conditions are right get the shots. The location isn't in the safest places and well... Safety in numbers. I also took some shots while waiting at stop lights. Quick different and novel... They are below also.... I think... If not.. well I am sure something will show up....

Wait for it!

View from a Museum.

Embudo Station

Solid Pressure

Alternative Albuquerque
Both panos have been shrunk down to 24meg pix. They are over 14,000 in normal size. Exactly what I wanted.


Oh, big brother you are so sneaky. Lets just let you install the camera you can hack so that you can watch us..... Seriously... if you have cameras in your house verify the integrity of your firewall.

Remote desktops.... is there a need? I can almost thing i could use the link so I didn't have to transport a drive all the time but you are stuck with the speed of the line your dumping and that costs and and and .. its easier to drag along a mini external dick or thumb drive....

Cute idea... now do the walls too.. Full sense around.. Yes my office is a 4 foot by 4 foot cubicle... but with sensearound I am in the middle of the desert under a tree, sitting at my desk with the coffee maker just so and the guest chair just so.... 

Ohhh ARRR..... matie!   The seas a life fer me....

Stay away from the hog weed.... really.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

In your back yard.

Hay! I didn't get any of that Delicious food to eat! Blast and Damn! White, gray, white, blue, brown river rushing past my eyes. Turbulent and fast flowing left to right. The bank across in mottle with purple volcanic rock and dry scrub and some other barely green pointy plants. Inhospitable. Okay, move view.... why am I stuck staring at this.... boring! Oh! Sound! Rushing water...weee..... great. Talking behind me. Voices clearing. A man and a woman arguing over the land behind me. It would seem now that they are trying to figure out who owns it and if they will be able to keep it. Turning slowly now, vision is moving around and there are a few quite dead people on the ground further out. Soldiers in dusty blue. Horses and horse smell and more damn gunpowder smells hit me. Woman, old, well no, not old as used up...the man no better, bent over a bit with a silly very wide brimmed hat on. Both of their clothes are worn, dusty but serviceable. I can smell their sweat... Ugh! Dead people in the sun don't smell better though... Why here, why now.... add to growing list of strange things to ask about.

Long day. Went to the 125th anniversary meeting of the Embudo NM river gauge. It is the first river gauge installed and operational in the United States. It was here where the USGS figured out how to process data on rivers, cresting and volume, and such. Quite a bunch of people showed up. Nice tent set up and they had a relatively short speech portion then cake and a look at some of their new inventions to help them get data. I took some pictures and listened to speeches. Some good, some far too long and rambling. My bosses was pretty darn good. Short, succinct, on point and with humor. Not too bad. Chatted with the massive amount of river and flood and debris people and learned a few things. One very interesting thing I didn't know. There is a person, very nice lady, who's job it is is to predict how much debris will hit and where and how and when. Talk about a mother sister of a job. You could also tell who works in the field and who hangs around in the office. We were in jeans, boots, hats and shirts. The dust and wind were terrible. very bad. Cake was good.

Often you get a chance on visiting places like this while working. Its one thing about this career path I decided on that I love. Every day a new and different thing. Yesterday it was paperwork and documents. Today it was outreach, in the field, at a river gauge. If you don't know. River gauges tell us what the river level is and when there is a flood it will warm of flooding or other troubles with water running down. Many saved lives because of these. Well worth the money that is trickled into the program. They need more money to expand and upgrade... Go USGS! Woops.. off topic... So out in the field.. with camera... I got some great shots of the river gauge which I will post below and of the river, which is pretty low at this time. Aside from the dust and wind it was a beautiful day... for river rafting.... except the cake... it was good....better if it was pie. So got some good shots and happy bout that. Tomorrow is an awards ceremony for Govt employees who excel at their jobs. Should be fun...... dunno about cake or not. Ill let ya know.

The station was closed but we still had reservations. Go left at the sign.

Snazzy rock I found. I am going th have to do something with this one.

Embudo River Gauge. Oldest in the United States.

The Burque. Pretty huh!

Sites you just cant miss!

Balloons... events and problems... some of these posters are jerks..... he was the designer, he didn't design the event. blame the city planners...


Along with nuclear waste, there are ways of breaking it down. Just that the tree hugging population wont let it be done.. so what do we do... as usual... leave it for our children to deal with.. nice....

What history hides the internets will find and expose. Remember that the next time you tweet or facebook your party pictures.... Though this guy needed to be committed... I am all for tearing it down or putting up a plaque stating what this guy was.


I like when you can modify things to suit your need, mood, or want.... I like

Sa Weeeet!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Slice and Dice

Food sounds good. Perhaps a nice roast turkey, mashed potatoes with corn and cranberry on the side, steaming hot, juices flowing, a glory for the eyes and a requirement for a rumbling stomach. Christmas, or at least everyone I can now see is wearing silly hats from those crackling crackers with hats and toys inside. So it must be Christmas. My view now is from just above an old farm table top. I am looking towards my right again and my focus is on my Grandfather?! I watch as he sets to sharpening the carving knife. Slipping the blade back and forth on the ground round edge of the rod being held in his left hand. His white hair combed neat and white shirt crisp and fully buttoned at neck and cuff. Switch, switch, switch go the blade and rod, back and forth. Memories of a proper gentleman. He said to me once.. “it's always the dull knife that will cut you my boy.. always the dull knife…” I feel the warmth of his love…

Monday…. With dragging foot and the listlessness of a zombie fresh from the grave…. Dragging out…. Flinging some old rags on… picking up a ratty bag to stow my finds in, Coffee cup, can of spaghetti’s and a pop tarts, all good messy things for a zombie. Cracking open the door to the garage and squeezing through it. Stumbling to the old and scary looking truck, slopping rubbery legs onto seat… and off we go…. scraping fenders and a flutter of year old weeds and leaves flying out the back to the consternation of the other zoombies on the road. Bouncing over the curb to the chunk, chucks, clank of the engine that refuses to stop but won't go smoothly… levering the door off which drags me out into a heap beside the wheel well. Reaching up to paw around for my bag of goodies. Ah.. found…. Now to slowly trudge on knees and elbows to the door to the building. Fitting key in lock by touch since eyeballs are sunken in their sockets.. or did I leave them in my pocket… hmmm…. Door opens… dropping onto the carpet moving as quickly as a undead body can move, leaving a slimy trail behind and two fingers…. Into the blue box for another day of drastic construction of paperwork piles reaching over the tops of the box….. Try and succeed to open coffee and pour most down the front of my ragged and moth eaten shirt. Some small amount gets into the lipless orifice in my fez and hits my tiny shrunken stomach linings… which brightens me up nicely and recreate the image if not the reality of a human being. Even the pop tarts and Spegettio's for lunch keep me happy… They had little cut up hotdogs in them.. mmmm…. Monday was better.

I did some things.... some things didn't get did. Did and did some more. Then was done. 

I played with more signs and polar a while ago. I like doing them… they are fun to do and what interesting things happen when you keep layering things on top of each other.  Now if I can only learn how to do off set tiling.  Enjoy…

The Q

Arroyo Overflow

5 Tons


Modifications to the parameters.. one little touch and a totally different picture.

Off we go.. into the wide blue yonder..... up and away.....

Can this get any better.... very cool...

Hmm. there is fry.. and there is fry!

Depends on the depth of the test... and do ya want to chance it... I like poppy seed bagels...

Photographs... Love them!

I see stupid people... I counted seven on the way home. From complete disregard that I am in the intersection to ... I will merge into you even though there is nothing in front of me and or behind me with out blinker or acceleration or anything..... and.. my favorite..... I will stop in the middle of the road right around the blind corner and talk to my friend in another car facing the other way then get upset when someone almost rams you down the street. Seven... I counted.