Friday, February 14, 2014

Oh the Horror!

I hear a "scuffle"! I know a scuffle from a beating or a quick pinch on the butt.. that's a class A scuffle in an enclosed space. A punch, a ..oh a kick... someone is down and now being dragged away. Poking my head into the little mouse shaped hole in the glass partition of the ticket booth I cant see anything more than the rails, the platform and the far wall with old posters on it...World War II memorability? A click comes from behind me. Another. quickly turning in place ready for a huge cockroach or pair of plant clippers I hear another click. Its coming from underneath a pile of papers on the desk in back. Click! Pulling away the pages that I can reach with one finger and a thumb from all possible distance from the desk.. ready to jump right through the little mouse hole and I guess the glass too.... I've started an avalanche. Something underneath just whirred and flung itself to the left pushing all the other paper on the floor! Oh boy~ Here we go! ARGH!!!! Oh....Its a typewriter... Old.. Not electric... CLICK!

Heck of a day today, heck of a day! No really it was very nice. Got in to the office, Prepared to finish out the property and did with the help of my stalwart boss. We sliced and diced it up good... Now hopefully we got all the "T's" and "I's" crossed and dotted.Mainly me prepping and him signing. Well I will find out Tuesday.After that I was a little travel paperwork and then watch the guys try to create an alarm transmission the NWR radios would pick up. Ran out of time on that and they headed out to the radar while I headed out. Got off early to get a bunch of things done before Saturday morning. We are all heading to Los Lunas to see a new balloon launch then follow him into the sky and generally goof off.. Hoping for good pictures and video.

I am having a lot of fun with the city shots I did. I messed with some yesterday and more today. Trying a few things and I think I have found a sweet spot.. now to go back and redo them. For now thought, this is what I played with. More to come. More things to mess with. All with my doggy laying on my legs. Thank goodness for my Windows Surface Pro ( TM R and G ) It rocks. I just plug in my monitor and sit the wireless keyboard on the dog and off I go. Its only slightly harder to type with the dog as a support. She cant care.

The El Ray Pink.
 This was a poster in a broken movie theater window. It was torn and I tried to adjust it and clean it up but its not good. This is bad. I will go back and work on it again.

 This turned out very nicely. Even the small lines in the red almost line up. That's the most difficult thing.

Roads to Roma.
 My fascination with lights and street lights. Very strange.

4 Evar!
 On Valentines day even!

4th Way
 I shot a lot off level just for the fun of it. Level shots are boring. I had a thought after I saw this one so I need to go back down again...

Chicago Dogs.
This turned out amazingly well. So well that I did about 7 takes of it in different configurations. I had to paint in the colors in the middle to match what was there because it didn't extend far enough. Turned out very nicely.

Off to do some more after I place these tiny net links.... just here.

Humans have one of the worst memories of any mammal. Its bad because it affects you, but you dont have it as bad as some. Be happy you can still call and eat food as in the past that was a luxury or you had to hike out to get some.

Sad to see them go. You can find them all over other than London soon.... New version coming or now
fully taking over.

Valentines day dating horror stories. Most of these are due to the net links parameters. One being it either overemphasizes or muffles happiness or sadness and inflection is gone. All the keys you would surely see if you met face to face are not there.So you dive into a date with someone you met online.. your gonna have a bad time!

Hilarious. I have to say that my parents are able to use a computer quite well and even though they had cell phones they got rid of them because they were not using them. They have never embarrassed me with or without modern technology. Sorry my children.. You get no break. Hahahaha

Off I go to twist and turn and flip and edge and trim and modify my brains out. If you Need a hug today... In old AOL chat room parlance... <<<<<<(((({{{Hug}}}))))>>>>>> ~~ Energizing Hugs.