Monday, February 17, 2014

Controlled crash.

Book, book, what book.... Okay... tip toeing towards the rounded entrance. Wow that's a cool rounded arch. Almost a circle. Nice tiles around it almost look cobalt in color, or the grime. Looking around the edge of the tunnel.. Hobbits come to mind. All I can see is some very old gas lights and only the third one is lit to a flicker. Who can see anything in this muck. Keeping my ears pinned for any sound of the return of the rough bent nose guys I shuffles along the left curved wall. How am I supposed to find a book in here? Why would a book be here? More questions and questions.. Oh and the topper.. why am I following the directives from a piece of possessed paper!!

We can all agree that Monday usually SUCK right?! Well they do. I ended up calling Greg the master Plumber to help me clear out waste line to the road. Damn clog was in the road! Its running clear and clean.... figuratively. Now I know how to work a snake. Greg is always teaching as he works.. He should charge for that too, even though he has awesome rates. Thanks again Greg. Everything I had planned for today went right down that drain too. Only due to the time the drain backed up not anything else. After we were done I was so tired and sore. Back and arms. That snake was seriously heavy to get in and out and back in the truck.

While I was waiting for the spasms to subside I started editing more signs down on Central. I kinda got stuck on two because they had so many cool things to play with... Here they are... Oh. I also loaded 121 shots from Saturdays Ballooning featuring the new and shiny ZK, a Fantasy 90,000 ft balloon.. Be - utiful! THey are here.....

Okay... here are they edits from today....

 Edit 1. Taking the sign. Expanding the colors and moving it upwards.

 The minute differences in the colors causes the modifications to the blue.

Down Low.
Adjusted so the yellow is prominent and title is at bottom.

This turned out very nicely. Love the bleed on the yellow border.


On the original wall in all its crusty glory.

Move Along.
 Original sign advising you of slow walking.

2mph required
Came out nicely. 

 Deco Green.
 I have to figure out what to do with this. Its so cool.

Now for something completely different.

Bigger is not always better....

If you ever thought about it. I remember the standard glowing blinking green rectangular cursor, then the hash on this web page an others.. I don't think about it because its not necessary. Id rather a pulsing point on the screen.

You have to wonder why we keep flying. Granted every landing I have is a controlled crash. Hay.. I have no landing gear nor breaks...

Yeah, nasty! I remember the subways in London. Beautiful, and clean and quick. New York was a pit. Some say it still is. These shots were from 1981. Yuck!
