Saturday, February 22, 2014

Good Ship Lollypop

Wandering up to the open doorway, dodging to the side as a the smell of them weave out as I step into the warm and smoke filled room. Longer than wider with a full length bar and about eight tables around. I spot a clear area at the right end of the bar. Stepping around the tables and finding the spot and stool are still open is a happy thing. Resting my poor sore tail on the padding, Ahhhhh.... nice. A pint of beer hits the counter in front of me! Looking up at the barmaid with her white blouse, sleeves rolled up, black ankle length dress and stained apron, she tells me to drink up. Oooookay, Pointing at the beer I ask her nicely, "Free Beer"? That's right she drawls, Gent over in the corner came into some of Peters Honey so everyone gets two beers. "Drink up and be happy your out of the fog laddie". So I sipped some cool and surprisingly full beer while wondering why a cockney is on this side of the river. What the hell's a cockney? What is Peters Honey? Ohhh.... Money. Dropping the book on the bar beside my glass I start flipping through the pages. Page four torn... undecipherable sets of 5 letters... page seven... dots and dashes.... Weirder and weirder... Sip...

Managing a spiking headache all day is never a fun thing. Part water and part sinus I think. That and the level of agitation I feel is very hard to not scream at the walls. Feeling a slight bit better I thought it was time to write my blog before I fall out of my chair. That was most of the day. Pain and trying to keep quite things going into my ear. Tough run. What editing I did today was when I could and its kind of shotgunned. I tried using PS for polar edits but its more difficult to do it than in Gimp. Probably because I know where the key sets are in it and I am still wandering around PS. I probably have to make a cheat sheet up of the things I need to do what I do. So here are some pictures from today. Some mine some off the nets.

This shot was very striking for me. Here is a man who is a priest and out in the middle of the turmoil in Ukraine. He seems serious and I feel like I need to either get in front of him and protect him or get behind him for safety. Do not rile the people or they will rise up and rip you from your cushy seat and as the French did.. lop off your head.

On a lighter note. Here is one of Elvis's jets. It was bought from the estate, landed here and left to rot. The person who owns it isn't interested in it at all. Its way out on the backside of the airport so even with a 200mm lens that's the best shot available.

Eric's envelope bag label. Just a quick edit.

Seven picture pano. Put together with PS. Downtown Albuquerque.

Another try with the El Ray sign. Interesting.

405 lounge sign.
 First try with this. I think I will go back on it again.

Out shooting in an old part of town you have to keep aware of your surroundings. This mean vile pack of dogs were all over us. There were more of them you cant see.

Shirley Temple died just a bit ago. No word from the govt and she was an Ambassador. Sad that..

Stay quiet night.....

Detroit.. Killed off by Union greed and left like a dead animal to be stripped. I have heard they are going to use the land as farms and reinvent the place. I wish them luck. I also hope they get money back from all of those greedy people who sucked the money and life out of the area and then ran away. Damn blood sucking vermin.

Most awesome motorcycles. Wow.. 

Another situation that became a travisty.. Not unlike New Orleans and Katrina. Scum take the money, screw everyone else.. run for the hills and leave the poor to die... Yeah.. same same... History repeats.

Choices choices in the last link.... Well Ill put this here and there are already two sad and bureaucrat and rich slime stories already.

How possible is it to do this with the white house and news people and let them stay stuck to the wall where they cant screw things up.

Have fun. Read the internet... Laugh at the drive by media who keep shoveling tapioca into your head....