Thursday, October 31, 2013

Darker Shots for tonight.

Its like jackals around a water buffalo. Tearing and shredding. When will the buffalo fight back or will it come to its knees. It don't look good for some. They can't catch a clue. They do not know their history. They are “bounding” to repeat it. Too bad the rest of us are being caught up in the Idiocracy.

I'll just sit here and shake my head at it all.

Oh.. and I must be the only one who gets to appointments before or on time. I was supposed to have a visit at 1030 this morning but no….. at 12 and they stood me up. Please call me again “company that wants my business” so I can tell you sorry we only want people who are on time. What a waste of time.

Also… if you want my business….. back up the item you sold me. Do not repeatedly bring me a replacement that's as broken as the one I received. Then blame me for being upset because its taken you past four months and I still don't have it.

Happier items of the day. It went from ugly outside to pretty and nice. A little cold in the air. Not chilly but cool… Colors have changed along the Rio Grande. Trees are heading for sleep. Its gotten colder faster this year. I wonder if spring will come as quickly. I sure hope so. We usually have a month or two of nice weather… not this year. Straight to cold.

I managed to do some editing of old shots for tonight. All taken in Las Vegas New Mexico. Not as wild as Las Vegas Nevada.

Rather Haunted looking.

Links you might be interested in.

As much as I am tired of the negative you need to know this… Motor Vehicle Department on Ludes.

Yellowstone Park. Gotta get there before it blows…. Not while its blowing or after.

Anyone up for a game of Marco Polo in this ball pit?

The Slobberer? Impotent?

Well… apropos as they are they still work today… don't they.

“rim shot”!