Friday, July 31, 2015

Pity the fool!

Well in this case they will get off lightly...

Still percolating the Windows 10. Just a nudge here and a bump there... To set things up the way I want. It also has to set to the other computers that are running windows 10 in my zone. Cant have icons or tiles in different places.... They must be pretty much the same... then turn sync on so they all line up. You can see that when you personalize your experience... LOL.

A much larger version of the standard header shot. Its a pano. The full version was around 40 inches wide....had to scale it down a bit. The view West from the airport area of the advancing storm. Today's was much more..... wet.

I am going to post some links to help you tweak up windows 10 after you load it. They helped me quickly get what I wanted done without having to goof around myself.... Hope they are of help to you.

That one was worth its weight just for the ability to shut off the history... I run through so much stuff that it was just too cluttered looking.

The next one is how to shut off sharing your windows files so others can get win 10 faster... Just a quick twitch..

That's okay for now. There are more neat links but the first is great and the second is a need to do.

Not quite what I was going to chat about tonight but needed to be said.

Let me go backwards for a bit here....

I at last tracked down an old but very serviceable bed liner today. 40 bucks! Dingle berrys on 4th street were trying to stick me up for a hundred for crap... foolish them.. too greedy gets you nada.

So that is in the garage and ready to be trimmed to fit the floor of my trailer. Once that is screwed down I can reassemble the balloon system and get it ready for next Saturdays AAAA rally in RIO RANCHO!!!!!! Lots of open space to galloop about in...Hope that its nice enough to get over and hour of flying in. Some ground tracking... so landings .. maybe have a race with a few rabbits?

Oh.. I remembered now.. I had a nice visit from a rabbit at work.. I was walking the grounds checking things as I am wont to do... Its part of my job to keep an eye on the facilities... and I had my camera in case I had to catalog anything but I stopped and shot two panos of the coming clouds from the Westerns side of our launch area... and right beside me was sitting this rabbit... Just as happy as can be.. Not bothered by me at all.. rather sat there munching a bit of grass and looking out over the valley too... I took some pictures of it before walking to the other side... Normally rabbits are unseen so the hawks don't have them or the coyotes munch out.

Its all good.. Nice furry face all watching and everything. Just full of itself there.

I found this silly flowery thing too that I have no clue what it is... I expect I will never know.... I like it that way... not knowing... really I am far too lazy to look it up... Why should I steal its mystery... Its just a silly little tendrilly plant thing...

Its like it said.. half way through being nice white flowers.. Cramp!! Fling tendrils out... Ohhh.. better! EVERYWHERE!

Its just had a better feel for goofyness... and that made up the day.... goofyness and things... with some dust added...

The storm today was riding the West Mesa area in bands.. or really groups of shower heads... It was neat but not clear enough to get a good shot... Best I could do with the bed liner in the back was my banner shot for today.. which is below... I didn't put the correct day on the shot ( hidden in two places ) just to mess with peoples heads.. now I have to upload the right one....LOLOL.. They caught on right away.

This just made me laugh... so tempting.

I have two computers to upgrade tomorrow... a liner to install.. some tie downs to relocate and basket to put together a computer to move and a log to find.... its gonna be a busy weekend.

Had a good time with friends tonight but I need a softer chair next time... my butt falls asleep faster than I do.