Monday, July 20, 2015

Divergent attitudes

Nothing much to do with photography today.

Too mentally exhausted and the rest is just carrying along.

Seems I got bitten a lot while trying to get the filter done yesterday.

Mosquito's as well as ants.

I feel rough used.

Here are some links for today to things I found interesting and shook my frustration out a bit.

GoPros in tiny trains. Its cute.. Not as good as it could have been.

Not that I have the ability right now to edit diddly squat.

I'm always looking for a better alarm clock.

I thing the second to last is a better thing for me. My dump it in a bit.

Speaking of gopros. If you need a quality ( or somewhat better ) lens on a mini cam...

Not that I think its worth it. May as well hook up the DSLR and use it. Problem with all that amazing footage is its far too big to upload and show.

I grew up into the midst of all the below. Never thought they affected me as you would think. I just liked the vapid story lines. I didn't much care for Buellers day off as Sixteen Candles. The humor there was excellent.

Fast Times was funny in a Californication way. I was in the "One Crazy Summer, Better Off Dead" mode when what-ever-his-name was funny... Okay... Point Blank was funny too.... There has been little lately to live up to the light funny story's... oh Hollywood tries but keeps hurling dead bloated whales at us. They stink, there are not funny and smell bad the next day.

That's all I have for you tonight. Going to sit here and stare at the screen.

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