Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sinus headaches and you gotta be kidding me.

OKaaay... bad idea to get a major sinus headache ( you know.. Ice pick through the temple types ). Go home early but feeling conscientious, keep trying to track your email for a meeting tomorrow... talk about getting to blow up mode and headache not even subsiding.... and I have to be at the meeting tomorrow... no way short of the world splitting or a zombie outbreak just happening... The Stupid Virus Zombie Apocalypse has already started... not talking about that one...  but yeah.. no joy there....  So now its rest.. I have a piece of PIE in the fridge just waiting for me... yum!

But I couldn't not write a little a bit here for you... So.. here is a bit of fun.... go get GIMP.... if you don't have Photoshop or one of the other high end editing programs... then go get a regular picture and splice it up or do something different to it...  Just while waiting for the pain waves to subside I kicked out two quad split shots... Ill post them in a minute... took me all of oh.... 20 minutes to do the whole process... some arithmetic in there... some lining up and cropping and LOL.. not too bad.

I saw the same statement today again.. its been cropping up here and there.... "Its not the equipment you use that makes something special... its the you".... okay... it wasn't said quite like that but hay... you understand.

Make it you....

Just a little time...

just a little clippin and numbers..

Here beith the some linking of locations to other locations which show pictures and words which bespeak to ye of amazing sights and sounds and ideas.... attend thee!

From a friend... not a bad place to go for cables...

Though I tend to make my own lan cables..

Yeah.. with my bad eyes I still got it right!...

cable tested good.


Okay this sucks.. this sucks bad! I may have to dump Netflix!

Oops..... Mr. Fear!  Sorry.... I did it again!

I think things are getting out of hand....

Please feel free to throw up now.

Oh Oh... its time for PIE!!!!!

Not throwing up yet!