Friday, July 19, 2013

Radars.. T1 lines.... and you

If your in the Albuquerque area and you cant see the radar image... that's not due to the radar being down.. Its not down.. its spinning and doing that data thing like crazy... unfortunately there is only one data line out there and its deader than yesterdays old carp... Yeah.. they are working on it ... yeah.. its taking forever.. yeah.... I am not too happy about it... Since the guys and I.. mostly the guys... spent the whole day up there working on it to make sure it would work when the line came up its kinda irritating to still not see it working....

Here are some shots I took while catching my breath inside the radar and out.. its a long and steep climb up and down and we did it many times.. they more than I.


Half way up..
Under the dome..
The dish.... side..
The back side... with ladder in place...
The darn thing is so huge and looks so small in these pictures... Just no way to get a real idea how big it is.

So... now we wait..... tick.....tick.....tick......tick.....

Oh and we have more work on it next week. I may not be able to get in on it as I have a pile of paperwork to do sitting on my desk and also a meeting ..... sigh.....LOL... priorities and the guys dont need me there really.... goes faster but .. well... 

We have requested an elevator... but so far.... no luck

I caught the radar  wavering.. or bouncing.. sadly it wont load here


Ballooning tomorrow.. we hope.

Here are some links.....



I like this stuff...

and... your big brother ( Stinky Sister ) link of the day..

Going to go rest my legs.. rest my arm.. rest my head...

If you see me on facebook.. its a zombie.. please shoot for first kill.... so I dont suffer.