Monday, July 8, 2013

Oouch! Always pushing it.

Yeah.. racked out my left arm good. When will I learn.

Had a good day at work studying and working on various things. Got off on time due to the starting of a project would not be able to end it for hours longer. Tomorrow early afternoon I should be able to get into it and get it to a point without being too late at work.

Today I came home and decided I had to get the old ratty carpet in the laundry room up.. and the tac strips and the dust and the tacks out of the cement. After all that and the cleaning I have a lot of cement patching to do before laying the new tile down. Ugh! Then since I was not feeling the pain yet I went ahead and worked on the hinges to an old cabinet... yeah.. trying to hold the door in place as well as screw strained it to no end.

Oh well.. I need two more hinges and I still have to take the doors off and sand them down on the edges as they have swelled... I expect it spent a bit of time wet and that has caused it. No biggie.. Ill do that soon.

I would use a planer but its such a tiny bit to remove I am going to sand it... then re-stain. It will look nice and old but functional as I like. At least the living room feels more open and is a good place to have friends over than the cluttered area it was. I hate clutter it would seem.

Here are a few shots from around....     Like this one.. This is runway 20 at Santa Fe... we would have taken off but Ford F 350s have bad lift... sorry... had to abort ...

Rain... its rain.. we are getting rain again.... Nice...

and... only three months away....three......


Super Awesome Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta!!


Oh yes... on your cruise ... don't stop at this island....ok...

And can we just say... disband and remove all from the top down.. the people have lost all confidence.

too depressing... here is something cool... I like how thin it is as well as its nice little compartments.

If  you need speed and space....

I need space with speed.. so.. if its less than 64 gig.. and really I want 128 gig... and 3.0 .... I'll wait..