Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Stuff... big n little

Simplify simplify....

Seems I have more stuff .. stuff being junk.. or .. well not junk.. but things... I cant use them... I cant really sell them... They are not worth all that much to me now but were expensive then... but hanging onto them..well.... again its a question of space.. and stuffing things away. I think another call to the Christian / Veterans to donate these things. I know they can get money from them... They can use that to help... I clear my house. I have to remember to call.. that's all. I need a reminder. You guys should think about that.

I am going to do that simplification more and more until I have only those things I really love around me.

Fun Time.... Some tone maps... just misc. things I round around.... Keep trying to get you guys to buy the software.

Buck Buck Truck

Chili     I want em!

My wings... yay DEUX!


Fun huh..... 

Here are some interesting links