Friday, June 21, 2013

Day 4 of the computer insanity..

SO Dave and I worked on this computer for the fourth day today. We spent most of the time today downloading updates... then when it came to trying to rescue the data on the main drive it decided to reboot in the middle of it. So.. square one. We left it today at 4pm doing a bit by bit transfer to another backup drive. Monday.. hopefully it will be done. The computer even fried a thumb drive. I think the computer itself has problems... we shall see....

So.. home.. after leaving late...stopping at Walmart.. which is an event in itself.. watching this oldr guy try to decide which of the speed checkout lanes is going to go fastest... I just stood there and watched... novel.

Home.. remove a bunch of stuff... remember that simplify simplify thing.. well I am working on it. No kidding. Lots to do but still. I found some cool stuff.. Pictures below. Tomorrow I am going to do some outside work before it gets too hot then come back in and work more on this "thinning" out of stuff thing.

Pink FLoyd Pulse disc with still working red led.. pulsing along... 
Boxed. I bouth this a long time ago in cassette version
This one I have four different version. Album,Cassette,CD,MP3..whats next?
Jethro Tull Boxed Set..Where am I gonna store this
This one is awesome!
And.. Blade Runner...
I will not be getting rid of these.. I have to store them.... somewhere... of the few things I will keep..

Muisc... its all excellent.. If you havent heard of some of these.. well... as me about them... I will tell you.

Some linking in the way you link things that kinda...