Monday, May 20, 2013

What a load of Crazy Ridiculous Audacious Painintheneckedness!!

Spend two of my hard earned off hours working on my office laptop at home! I cannot believe I got delt this hand of C.R.A.P.!

Wow and even my main computers Nikon NX batch filer has gone on the blink.... what is it with today???

It goes along just fine then freezes!...

I was  going to show you some of the cool shots I got this weekend when I was not wandering around the antique zone but noooooo.....

So here.. I fished a few good links for you...

Dude is pretty good at finding fun things... this is... cool as well as fun.

Then there's...

Never really thought about it..

Another blog by this guy... two for two for catching my attention.. good job!

Here is a good deal.. maybe you can still catch it

4 t!  T4 woooo...

and here.. this one.. this was just dumb.... I mean there is antisipation but come one!!

Its bad enough I have to wait in line.... I DONT LIKE WAITING!!!! wow... get real.

I hurt my thinking thing just thinking about this stupid thing.


The price of on line storage has to come down to ... well.... way the .... really!.... so much....

Before Ill ever think its worth the time... OMGeesh!

Life as we know it has gone missing inside my head..... please do not even try locating it as its just not worth the pain.

Oh.. so a few basic shots wanted to play.. here ya go..

Am exhausting day... A wasted day