I remember... patience.... love... exasperation... hugs.... and hiding lima beans in a napkin behind my Dads back so I didn't have to eat them. I remember getting matchbox cars every payday. Being dropped off at school in England wearing grey shorts, gray long sleeved shirt, tie and huge fur coat...LOL... knee socks too.
I also remember her having to deal with my hyperactiveness and tantrums before there were drugs and other designer ways of dealing with overactive children..( out of control ).
I remember Mum making tea in the evenings and knowing if I was sick there was a hug and a hold until I fell asleep. I remember watching me do stupid things an bailing me out when I did them.
Thanks Mum... no words can say what you mean to me.
Just a few from the files.....
~~~~ * ~~~~
For my Wife....Mary... my yellow rose... My children's Mother... what a job!
A Single Daisy In the Sunlight.
Backyard... Purples.
Some links to look over..
New things...
Upcoming things...
Four.. three... two.... one.... LINDSTRAND!
Hugs to all those MOMS!!!!
Hugs hugs hugs!