Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Mmmm.... yeah...

Today..... today I had a modification to do on our Main Frame. Install a NAS box. ( Naturally massive Ass Stone box ). 3 person lift!

1. Some people have no clue how to write a modification note. Clear ..concise.. loads of color pictures... KISS!
2. If you want me to label cables dont say.. select three cables out of eleven and supply thirteen!
3. If you having cables connected please keep all cables being connected in the same freakin paragraph with breaks ( or spaces ) so that you can discern one set of numbers from another. ( this is how it was CD_213987 blah blah blah CD_4534234 blah blah blah
blah CD_123545 blah bla CD_463722 blah blah.... ) Freakin ..yes thank you.. yes I cant read well now.. and you made it all them more easier to feel more incapable.

Never mind... two cables in the wrong place and six missed by my poor eyesight and bad writing.....and my super IT and I had to go back and install.....nothing major....... yeesh!

I blame myself.

What I really want to do it rewrite the whole Mod note the right way... and send it back to them with all the corrections... but.... I already am doing four jobs instead of my one... Lets not pile on. Please try harder.

So with all that... no time for anything else... Perhaps a happy picture will make it all better.. let me see if I can find one....

Nope.. wrong way...

How bout....

Ahhh The Deep Blue Air!


Yes.. No shots.. no nice write ups... go surf these sites.... Too much to single out tonight...

Go be happy....

*STaY Away FRom XBox WhuN*