Sunday, March 6, 2016

Looking forward to Sunday's

Now that we are lucky enough and our kids are nice enough to drive across the river we get grandbaby time every Sunday. It pretty cool to be old enough to remember everything you did way... 26 or so years ago and now have the wisdom or length of view to totally enjoy even the yelling and funny smells... Even though the yelling is nowhere what I remember my children to be able to do.. all it makes me want to do it correct the empty stomach or get a clean diaper on her. The faces and fingers and the fully learning little bundle of fun is amazing. To know also that I get to teach her stuff and read to her and spoil her terribly... hehehhehehe.... Its gonna be great.

The interesting thing right now is to see what she is looking at and try and figure out what she is thinking... We did see many more smiles today...along with some stink eyes... looks of incredulity and some fierce "where's my bottle" looks... I will leave off the hand gestures for now.. hahahaha.

It was good.

Highpoints of this week.... not much.. waiting.. paperwork.. more waiting.. a mod on the radar waveguide....

and... bunch of Fallout 4 too.

The favorite word of the week is.. Clarity.

If I had more of this I would be in cat heaven. In instructions, requests, information... Clarity.

I did, amazingly get my balloon out and flew it on Saturday. I had cameras and everything and I did try to capture the shot I want for a piece of wall art but again failed to get it right. Sad thing is I have a low resolution of the shot but I can't seem to get the high resolution right. We had people holding the balloon down while I adjusted my position and even shot off about 30 shots but none of them is right. I have to try again sometime... damn it. The flight was great... I did hand off the cameras as they we nit cinched up right and were getting in my way. I have a dual camera rig but the straps were set for walking around and too low. When I am flying I have them cinched up tight so they don't bang around but I can get to them for a shot. No luck..

The winds were low and interesting and I was able to explain exactly what I was going to do and then do so. Hop NE to a corner then pop up quickly over other balloons and land SW of them... then pop back up and chase a friend in his balloon then cut across a road so that I did touch the curbs on either side and was a few inches off the tarmac in the middle of the road. Wonderful flight and I do have the 360 video take but have not edited it yet. The next day my son flew his balloon Kiss A Hoy and I almost drove over a cliff. Okay.. I drove over the cliff and hung there for about three hours before friends could get a wrecker out to pull me back to safety. Nothing like sitting in a seatbelt at a 45 degree angle for three hours. All the good friends were there to keep and eye on me. I was okay as long as I didn't let off the break or shift about.... then my friend Mr Fear ( really his name... really...and his balloons name is Phobic ) strapped off to me and held me until the tow truck came. A quick return to horizontal and safety. I was not stuck but I was not rolled over in the Arroyo either.


Fun times. Great friends. Some shots of the weekend...

Close to the correct capture but just not exactly right.

Original picture I have to crop from.

Kiss A Hoy stained glass land.

Fire curls.


Up and away.

A Cats Meow.. still on its leash.

Tower of power.

Just a few for now and more to get to.... but awesome if not all one angle.

Some fallout 4. All settlements have a nice rest area dn a bar that serves food. I even laid out some decking to make it nicer to walk around. I did achieve my specified number of power armor suits... 101 total and almost all of them modified some way. Two are decked out for stealth and energy hits.

A load of fun.

Stealth on its stand.

Energy Knockback standing below the three levels of armor.

The bar is open on Spectacle Island!

Tried to build settlements at the Sunshine Co Op and Whatever Croup Manor but the dead bodies just sit there and the space is limited... Now having about 400 cement foundation blocks I may just have to go do the drive in as it at least has no stupid dead things hanging about.

Maybe I will go join the railroad and have some fun with that storyline... dunno.

More fun to be had this week I am sure.