Yep! It's never a sure thing and with only 500 slots open ..kinda.. its fantastic when you get that notice. Soooo... snaps off a thousand thoughts about everything... from, paperwork still needed to be sent, annual inspections, family and friends coming in, food, passes, logistics of just getting people to and on the field, fuel, rides, weather, maps, insurance, cards, pins, and it keeps going....
Foolish me.. I posted a new facebook banner which I put the countdown date from the page.. so then I was cornered about doing a daily countdown banner.. Thats 194 days of new banners!! Again!!! Dunno if I can do it. Crazy. See.... Plus I got permission to use my granddaughters very mobile and emotive face in some..LOLOL
And along with the banner I really have to do the logo too... so....
and today...
My daughter thought I could batch a bunch and then I wouldn't have to do them every day but I really never have the idea for each until the day it is. Fun huh.. So I am screwed but it is gonna be another interesting ride..... woooooo....
I did get two other videos done... lots of fun there....
I had to search the web for the POSH song but it was worth it for what was in fact and Port Out Starboard Home flight.. Take off Fiesta fiend.. go a little South.. Go up.. Go North, drop back down and go back South and land almost right where we took off from.. awesome as all get out.
Had to take a break there to hold my granddaughter... she wanted to snuggle and sleep...and smile.
Worth it!
Had a great day... Party over at Bob and Inga's which was a occasion for happiness and raised spirits including the grand daughter who got lots of holds by Shana... she was loving it and Emmy was all happy too. It was fun.. it was a good time as usual. Thanks Bob and Inga.
Other than the standard.. and I did try to take notes on the accomplished at work but it gets too busy to write more things down..... oh well...
Fallout 4 is still fun.. ish... I am tired of having settlements attacked from inside when there is no way anyone could get in with guards and gun positions and ten foot think twenty foot high walls... quit cheating.... That and attacking two settlements at the same time... come on! I don't mind that you throw twelve attackers.. no problem... or warlord class..... whatever... quit with the silliness.
There was a patch out which added some stuff but most of it was very stupid too. I am waiting for some better mods to correct some of the build zones and the massive lack of wood. There are trees everywhere but wood is scarce.. I don't think so.
Oh.. there is one place to steak armor but its forever tagged stolen so I use it to mount raider power armor.. sat outside the place for a while waiting and the game kept glitching so had to loop around and try a different attack to see if I could catch the glitch before it removed the armor.. got it but it was a pain.
I am upgrading and updating settlements for better gates and adding flooring over the uneven and silly ( again ) ground terrain problems... Yeah its real world but its everywhere to the point I believe the designers just got bored and wanted to irritate as many people as they could.
Yes I am still playing...
The latest thing is that every settlement ( 24 total ) gets their own set of power armor. All identified by the four lumin sets. If I need a set it is at the closest settlement...minus the fuel cell so it isn't "borrowed".
No.. they are not taken from the 101 sets at my Red Rocket Cube.....
I did get a nice new ( now ) set of X-01 III armor. Kept having to go back to Atom Cats to get each piece.. and that was a royal pain too.... Only one place to get that armor pieces.
Still fun...
Now to go upload some more screen shots.