Saturday, April 11, 2015


NO..... nothing at all went on today. Too sore in the back to get up and go anywhere... no ballooning.. heck.. sitting was sucking.. laying was sucking. standing was sucking. And this pause is driving me up the wall. Its really society thats to blame. If it wasn't for that I could be out standing on my head somewhere stretching out my back... okay..hanging upside down.. whatever... you know what I mean.

I even pulled the pin design out and stared at it for about an hour before understanding what was bothering me massively. Its not centered. Its not centered at all. Its off slightly but I can tell so that means it driving me up the wall over and over again... Look...

Freakin freak freak.... Am I going to have to do it all by hand. No damn short cuts. damn!

I did edit out some shot of the 360 camera and the flight back on the 5th. They are interesting and if the video would finish uploading it would be there to see... I even sped it up to 27 times speed to make it fun.. because it was a darned straight flight except for the hook East at the end.

 Rory disconnects the lower carabiner from the burner frame. Why the cam clipped the edge I dont know.

Over the Edge.
 Looking like you are perched out away from the basket.

Landing and Crewed.
After landing and taxiing to the softer dirt.

Up N Over.
 And across the arroyo and across from the ZK.

I was going to set the cam up so that it pointed upward but totally forgot and it ended up on the frame instead. Next time perhaps. Quality is nowhere near the GoPro 2,3 or 4. But nifty none the less. I got it to capture the amazing balloons around me during Fiesta. I'll have the GoPros going to capture the beauty and stuff... like... stuff...

Like I said it was a rather .. yawning day... I did run across this on the web.. beside hearing that the iWatch is delayed again. No.. still not getting one.. I dont need a watch... If I did I would probably go with the samsung thingie since I have a samsung phone... and you need an iphone to link it. and 15000 is ridiculous. very.. But its still pretty.

Tidal.. another stupid "try and make more money off idiots" musc site. Wow.. the gullible can be fleeced so quickly. Some of the comments after were very funny...

"One of the best parts about being an aging Gen Xer is I've already stolen all the music I want from Napster back in the day and I am too old to care for the new stuff. After all. everyone has Journey!

"I like the idea that one day, my (make believe) grand kids will ask me about the early days of the internet, and I can talk about it like it was the wild west."
"Kids, it was amazing. All we did was steal music and stare at picture of mullets. It was weird, scary and awesome."

"and, we still have our CD's and a CD player (well, this ageing gen xer does anyway),"

"Because while each one of them is worth millions of dollars, they would prefer to be worth billions of dollars. Spotify is only giving them millions, not billions. So hand over your money, peasants! Jay Z needs it more than you."

Funny comments followed but damn... 

Oh hay! I got my balloon registrations... three for three! YAY!

Right through the mail.. wide open for all to see.. ya anyways.....yes fuzzy.

I think I have a brain parasite.. I am craving cocoanut. 

Facebook banner for the day didn't come out the way I wanted it to but hay.. it was nice enough... 
Mountain Fires
 Four layers....lots of editing.

Slice. Logo for the day.
Fun with squares and rippling.

And off I go to calm the minds...