Monday, April 27, 2015

Blank Stare

When I was going home today I decided I needed to cut a few trees down that had taken root from my neighbours irritatingly profligate tree. I would have cut them down earlier but we have a fire ant problem and they will bite the hell out of you if you get in their area. You have to wait until its cool enough... Then you have to have a good saw.. or sawzall... I have a nice saws all but it went missing from the shed.... So I bought another one which I kept in the garage... it was lent out against my will and for months was supposed to return so I could get on to the cutting... Never did... So.. 70 dollars later I had another sawzall and the time to use it.

I did use it.. and what was supposed to be two relatively small trees turned out to be 10. One was as thick as my ankle. It took two hours to cut them down. I did move the front cut up stuff to the trash pile but the other four have to wait until I have the strength or the help to move them to the pile. It is a lot of brush but step one of many. I have to go buy some stump killer and get happy with it. Then chop out the remaining crap. Then burn it.. then augure it.. then cut some more then bury it under big rocks and light it all on fire!! YES!!!!  As normal not help what so ever to do any of this stuff. Lucky me.

I got blisters on my... well.. thumb. THis weekend there is going to be some people out there picking up doggie doo so I can do step three of deweeding my rock garden. I need some small fencing. 

Since I did all that I didn't have any time to think of a good subject for tonight's blog but I did find a few nice pictures to share. Tomorrow I have to give my presentation. I really have to get up and find my mini video port out to hdmi cable.. and also tighten up the power point slide.... 1 of 89. Heh!

I am winging it with talking points.

 Cold bushies.
I am on fire due to the joint pain of all that work.. the cold pictures make me feel better and show that New Mexico has a lot of snow. A lot. Not stupid amounts but some.

Snow Beagles!
 They are watching the sky hoping for clouds so they don't melt. I had a habit of making little snow men all over.

Naked in the snow.
Chilly then but the trees were happy for the water later. These trees always just stand there looking like they are waiting for a ride somewhere. Thumbs out. Never pay for gas.

YEah it was a bugger of a day at work too.. okay. part of the day... I hate being stuck in the middle of unknown situations. I can only be honest and state things as I see them. No BS. I hope it will be better than me trying to come up with some story. I would that its all up front and Is dotted and Ts crossed.

I am going to go take more pain pills... aspirin and sit here...

My facebook banner for the day is the backside of my passenger certificates that I have not given out in a while. 

And because of today... and because I lived in Italy for two and a half years.. I can say.....

Ta da!