Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Stuffing it.

Money money's so's a rich mans world.
Today's class... Money..taxes, rules, judgements....I though my brain had left me my spinal cord left too. Just when you think you have it down they throw a spanner in the works to fling things about. Crazy.

Between the constant buzz buzz which puts me on edge and the building of babbling noise at times in between puts me completely on edge. In the morning I had to do some office work, phone calls and such. After class I will have to dive back into office work again. It's not a biggie to me. What I signed on for. That and the after lunch blood loss is making it harder to focus on the words in the guide.

Last nights taking a subject and slapping another thing to it then base lining it was neat. Different. So taking pretty boring shots and getting them interesting was better than they never seeing the light of day.

What trouble can I get into this evening...


The new som
NGO from weird al is out..spoof of the happy song... Very funny.!bgaFwo

I love living within nature if possible!bgen7w

Good or bad....

Wooooo...big scary holes!!!!


Every which way I can see is nicely comforting in its uniformity and standard tube station design. Looking down even shows the gap between the elevator and surface of the station. Metal threshold of the elevator with little lines, I assume for their slip stopping potential and the clean and non-scuffed lip of the open area in front of me. From the right of me and in the Forrest of pillars the calm voice of a cultured man floats forward.. some how….