Tuesday, July 22, 2014


I hate being quantified. Or pigeon holed. I had the estimable chance to be quantified via myers briggs. It was illuminating. As it is only a general peek hole it was not too bad. It was a laugh how some of the foibles came out.

For some reason it shows me as an extrovert with introvert tendencies. It also went on to generally say that I am forced by my nature to know everything about everything. I need to know about people if they are someone I like or want to know I will do everything to know everything... Not too far off. It also said a lot of other things....

One was refusal to accept certain people or run far away from them. The classmates that had this same parameter as I did ( two others out of 20 ), were of a mind that its how those people act and control themselves. Most had stories that seemed to me to be similar. Mostly its noise and drama. The test said we don't waste time with that type of person and look for more interesting people... or something like that.

The other parameter test said that I like thinking space. I hate distraction and will remove myself from it. That's me! There were other things but it was all about ability's to work with diverse people and also much on having conversations that are full of real meaning. Does that mean I cant do small talk?


Some more shots from Seattle... These are edits of signs I found singular.

All of the signs were shot at and angle and corrected. They were fun. Cant wait till I have time to edit it.


My problem is getting the person who trashed the microwave to clean it.....


Learn it, Live it.....


Microsoft surface mini... meh... The screen is at my smallest comfort size now.


I love how they say 7 hours is the sweet spot. If I could be "asleep" during that 7 hours Ill be I would feel its a perfect segment of my day....



"Know you?" as a mumble that is still responded to quickly enough that I wonder if the words are being pulled off my brain before my lungs can push air up to create sound in my throat..... hmmmmm....
"Yes, quite. We have known each other for years and years. Or, if you like, long enough to get tired of each other. Surprisingly we have gone years not talking. This "episode" right now has lasted  forty years by side real time and you have said nothing and have been quite rude. how do I take that? Dallied with women, poked people in the eye, become quite the proverbial pirate. Know me!"