Sony cybershot. You can easily take great shots with anything. The iPhone I had took great shots too. Hard to hold but it did work.
Another shot close up of a set of Slip Ring brushes. Brushes.. yeah. don't look like brushes do they... well they are. These transfer signal data and other brushes transfer power between the fixed part of the radar base and the radar dish as it turns in circles. They touch metal rings on platters. Sadly because there is metal on metal contact they do have to be cleaned frequently. I can tell you now that its not a fun job.
Just recently we had new bolts put in out antenna pedestal base. These bolts have a torque display in their heads. So now you can just look at them to see that they are loosening. Before it was hard to see if they were loose. A loose pedestal is another thing that will ruin your day. I have yet to see a bolt that is not nicely secure with this type bolt. Check out what I did with the focus. Whats in focus and whats no.. Whats
important...whats not?
Then there is the basic view of a very basic thing. Pencils... with one of my instructors in the background. Angle...Frame...Subject... Action. Yes there is action in the last picture. With photographs as well as video you have to get the right balance of subject and action. One or the other is okay but both rocks. I mean you can get shots that are superior with no action I just mean with action of the essence of action comes interest. Just what is next? Whats around the next corner? Why am I taking this picture. What is the meaning of life. Why am I watching this television show... Woops.. too deep.
So totally fun to try and dig up an interesting shot. Have fun out there with your action capturing thingy. Get out there... get funky.
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