There are a bunch of youtube videos on this great camera....
so... really... Get You Some!
These are GoPro Hero2's i have no real reason to upgrade so I will stick with these baby's till they come out with some cool feature..... Yup!
Now... Off of the darn video and onto something I really love too... Photography and NEON!
I was lucky enough to get out to Las Vegas a few years back. I think I took a couple thousand pictures. Some of my favorites are in the Neon of Vegas. Not as much as I wished. I really am going to try and get back sometime soon and spend a lot more time than I did just shooting the neon lights. I tried to take shots from angles that are not usual. A lot of the time it was usual. I hate cropping so I try to frame my shots so I don't have to. Most of the time I succeed.... Most times.
See.. I was able to crop the crowds at the bottom of the shot. It took getting up high enough across the road and waiting to stop getting jostled and pushed. Get the shot... get a few more... try to stay stable as its dark and its a zoom. It came out pretty nice for all that. I was more interested in getting the illuminated billboards at the bottom of the picture than the top of the hotel. Who care about planet Hollywood... Meh!
The starkest view of this was at the Treasure Island Hotel and Casino.. First time I went there it wasn't there... Second time there it was... With two sailing ships in front... went to both the day and night shows.. Pirates against the British navy. Lots of campy fun... over acting.. loud noises.. hot fires and flinging people. This is one of my most favorite shots... I didn't think I could get it again. No tripod.. no secure support.. just hand held Nikon and zoom lens.. Sweet!
Most of these shots you can see on my photography website here.
Zoom in on some of those shots... Cant wait to go back... that they say about getting that perfect shot being timing location and clicking that shutter over and over.. oh yeah... really... it works very well. I will leave you with this last shot... taken from the top of the Stratosphere Tower in the middle of the night. Guess what... No tripods allowed... Another zoom shot on the outside windy viewing level. If I can do it you can too!
And here is unzoomed..
Go shoot something!
Links for the day...
Happy Friday!