Sunday, February 24, 2019

Potentials.... and other things

I've always told people... friends, acquaintances, back up their data.. be that pictures, videos, music, whatever...

After the loss of a favorite file of photographs or a set of videos ( guilty of both ), I made it a rule to back up my files as much as possible.

What way you do that is wholly up to you though. You can buy an external drive and copy files there. You can buy a raid box and back up to there. You can even buy chips or thumb drives and back up to there... but you NEED to back up your data!

I didn't go the RAID way though that is pretty much the easiest way to back up files.


Its only one device.

What I mean is... Let's say you have a Raid unit ( you can go on Amazon and type in RAID hard drive and it will come up with a ton of devices that are easy to set up and use ) in your home. You diligently copy all of your photographs and videos to it every day.... you go to work.. house catches on fire ( G Forbid ) and your Raid is a melted hunk of junk. Oops!

Raid arrays or boxes are great if you have them secured...

What I prefer and though its a bit more work I think its the best possible process...

I have mirrors. By mirrors I mean I have an 8 TB drive for pictures and an 8 TB drive of an exact copy of that drive. I usually label them Pri for Primary and Bak for Backup. 8 TB for Videos and an exact copy 8 TB for the backup videos.

As the picture above shows.... 6 drives..

This way when I go off on a wander I can take three of the drives and store them at work. Normally I have the backups at work all the time. House gets broke into ( again GF ) ... still, have copies...

Saying this, you still have to drag them home and update the files on them so they are exact..and sometimes that does not happen for weeks... but mostly I have the best chance of never losing anything again.

As of this moment in time, I am fully mirrored!! Yay Me!!

And so along comes another problem.

I edit continuously... so what I do is have a 256 gig thumb drive I drag around with me and when I want to edit a picture file Ill copy it to the thumb drive.. edit then recopy everything back to the mirror drives... but along the way I edit or pick up other files I want to use or modify or copy...whatever... the thumb drive gets full. What do I do with all those miscellaneous files?

Can't go on the video drive as that's videos.. cant go on the picture drive as that's only pictures....

I decided I needed two mirror drives for all the other stuff. Amazingly through updating my hard drives from 2 TB to 4 TB to 8 TB I have drives available. So two of my old 4 TB Samsung drives will become the new Editor Drives 07 and 08.

Now to consider a filing system and naming solution.

My videos and pictures are by year, then inside that the labels are Year Month Day Device Reason... or
2019 02 24 Nikon D7100 18 200 Sundays shots of nothing.

But with the editor drive it will have to be different.

I'll think about it and let you know what I decided.

At the end of all that talking... or typing... I just want to get you all safe and sound and backed up!!!!

Here are a few shots of what I took this week. I tried to take a picture a day but I missed one day and got more then next...

Tuesday's snow event. For New Mexico and Albuquerque, it's impressive.... We have a blizzard..LOL

Trying to focus and capture a single star snowflake on my own arm.. yeah.. so not happening.

Flags they are a flappin!

Day after... blue skies and a 7am moon.

Contrasts were cool so I had to get the shot.

Then there was a Hawker jump jet just sitting there. Let's see if the focus can lock on it behind the fence. Nicely done.

Tower against the mountains.

Close up using the standard optical... good but lots of stuff in the air between causes some softness.

More snow and the warming of the rocks.

The bridges own wood grain is showing in the snow above it.

Just trying to last till 12pm....

Snow in Albuquerque is usually gone by lunchtime unless it's snowing all day. One of the nice things about living in the desert.

Snow Time Limits.

I did also do the youtube blah blah thing again. I surf youtube looking at what it recommends... More narrow boating, some camping, and some RV type stuff... then for some reason I got a bunch of model building things and some very out there stuff .. so whatever algorithm youtube uses.. .. it has a flat spot on it.

I took this shot in the Walmart parking lot.. a nice quarter million survivorist RV...

Some are as high as 2.5 million but this one I think is one of the cheapest. I like it but really.. when would I ever use it..... says the person who wants a narrow boat ( dreaming ) Even less able to use that.... Hotels and free breakfast for me...LOL.

I get distracted easily.

Alright.. so for next week... get the camera out once a day and get shots of SOMETHING!!!..

Figure out what naming convention to use on the new Editor drive.

Think about dusting... Seriously.. do not move to New Mexico if you hate dust. You will kill yourself trying to keep it down to a minimum.

Oh.. yes... As soon as 22 gauge speaker wire shows up relocate Pioneer subwoofer to a less irritating and more listening pleasing area.

How was your week?