It should be..... But in these day and ages where we are older and the crew is thinner and the days are stranger....well.... sometimes hiding in bed is nice. But its time to get out and get some good air.
Saturday three Ken Kennedy balloons were out for some family pictures. Updated information is that there are seven still alive and flying. More info on that later.
After we got to the launch site we had winds moving East to West lightly. Sun was not up so we expected a flip and laid out West to East.... well that didn't happen and two of us had super fun almost bag overs ( putting your envelope over your basket all floppy like ) but survived. Granted it took me three times and three moves of the envelope to stand up. Ended up laying out South to North.
After that we launched and looped around from the Southeast to the Northwest..then back up and over the hospital across Unser and back to land on the corner of the field. The crew were able to pull us back to the back of the trailer exactly where we took off from. Always a fun thing.
We are planning a new photo shoot on Fiesta Field in the afternoon to get the Sandia mountains in the background. Its a plan!
Sunday Mo took Highperactive out to play with the Top Gun teams. He didn't score but he did get a good feel for the racer. Its quite different than his 80 Avian hybrid. One slight change in level flung him off and it because impossible to recover before the first target closed.
I crewed then took pictures. Lots of pictures. Okay.. not that many but .. well ... there were more good ones in this file.
Posted below are Saturdays In Czech shots ( including clips from the vcams ) and then after that Sundays Highperactive shots.
Fabric Shadows.
Putting the crown in In Czech.
No the truck is not a basket.
Kennedy envelope bags are all very very interesting. In Czech ( AKA Terpsnickery ) bag is like the silver bag in the background.
Three Kennedy's. One in the air in between, one laying down still.
Up and out.
Kodak 360 cam clip of the hot inflation.
GoPro. Looking down from way high up...always weird.
Mo looks over the side and freaks everyone out.
Kodak 360 of Eric being cool on lay down.
Sunday TOP GUN...Targeting. Bags thrown out and down at the target.
Measuring from the center of the big X.
Highperactive against the Sandia's
Lookin for a place to land.
There were a lot more pictures but I'll load them to my web site instead of cluttering up this place.
I have been heavily watching Cruising the cut.. link here... Narrow boating in England.
Dave is fantastic at explaining everything you want to know about narrow boating the canals in England and also showing the beautiful landscape and is damned funny.
Now he has opened another vblog on upgrading a van to a camper van and all that goes with that. He seriously has more patience than I have fibers in my carpet.
I plan on supporting him in his quests here in the near future.
Really.. just go and try and watch just one of his videos.. try.. like a good bag of potato chips.. ya just cant have one!
I am watching others about Narrow boats but Dave is tops for educating and making it all enjoyable or horribly informative even if the subject is cleaning and refitting the toilet cassette... dont ask.. go search in his list of videos.. you will love it....and I also now watch Geoff and All the Stations. Vicki as well.
So its Dave and Cruising the Cut ( Cut being the canals as they were cut in... when you want some very good calm boating and views... the knowledge bit is snuck in, just sit back and let it flow kind of thing... So much information is now rattling in my head and I have to NOW tell everybody I see.. sorry...not sorry. Remember... Engine on tick over passing other boats moored on the sides of the canals. DO NOT drink nor swim in the canals!! So much!! PS.. he has hours long videos of just gliding along the canals.
Geoff and Vicki and All the Stations.. hang on...
Fast pace... inexhaustible Geoff.. great vblogging and editing is as good as Dave's as he has a team doing it too where Dave has Dave and his awesome abilities.. Everything you wanted to know or didn't think you didn't ( yes you really did need to know ) want to know about everything "train" in England. Tube station trivia and then stations and trains and services and I DO NOT KNOW HOW THEY KEEP IT ALL STRAIGHT!
Tempted to send Dave a 360 Kodak cam to see what he does with it.
Tempted to have Geoff checked for high sugar and tea levels.
I'm now watching Robbie Cumming's and his Narrow boat adventures while waiting for Dave to do another trip. He is on the younger and more head banging side of boating the canals. Funny and a completely different and rule bending view...
Trying to get Dave over for next Fiesta to Cruise the Rio Grande in a Hot Air Balloon... LOL
So on the personal side its been a nice weekend after a lot of un-nice weekends and days.
I've enjoyed watching things where I usually never watch television at all.
I still did edit all the pictures and I have three video files from flying Saturday to edit and process.
Not bad at all.
Next weekend is a down weekend and then if all goes well we will get Highperactive back out for a fun fly the next weekend after that...first weekend in Feb.
Hope you all have a great week.